Psalms 33:18

33:18 Look, the Lord takes notice of his loyal followers,

those who wait for him to demonstrate his faithfulness

Psalms 33:22

33:22 May we experience your faithfulness, O Lord,

for we wait for you.

Psalms 33:1

Psalm 33

33:1 You godly ones, shout for joy because of the Lord!

It is appropriate for the morally upright to offer him praise.

Psalms 1:1

Book 1
(Psalms 1-41)

Psalm 1

1:1 How blessed is the one who does not follow the advice of the wicked,

or stand in the pathway with sinners,

or sit in the assembly of scoffers!

Psalms 1:1

Book 1
(Psalms 1-41)

Psalm 1

1:1 How blessed is the one who does not follow the advice of the wicked,

or stand in the pathway with sinners,

or sit in the assembly of scoffers!