Psalms 35:21

35:21 They are ready to devour me;

they say, “Aha! Aha! We’ve got you!”

Psalms 44:13

44:13 You made us an object of disdain to our neighbors;

those who live on our borders taunt and insult us.

Psalms 57:3

57:3 May he send help from heaven and deliver me

from my enemies who hurl insults! (Selah)

May God send his loyal love and faithfulness!

Psalms 79:4

79:4 We have become an object of disdain to our neighbors;

those who live on our borders taunt and insult us.

Psalms 119:39

119:39 Take away the insults that I dread!

Indeed, your regulations are good.

Psalms 119:2

119:2 How blessed are those who observe his rules,

and seek him with all their heart,

Psalms 16:7-8

16:7 I will praise the Lord who guides me;

yes, during the night I reflect and learn.

16:8 I constantly trust in the Lord;

because he is at my right hand, I will not be upended.

Joel 2:17

2:17 Let the priests, those who serve the Lord, weep

from the vestibule all the way back to the altar.

Let them say, “Have pity, O Lord, on your people;

please do not turn over your inheritance to be mocked,

to become a proverb among the nations.

Why should it be said among the peoples,

“Where is their God?”

Joel 2:19

2:19 The Lord responded to his people,

“Look! I am about to restore your grain

as well as fresh wine and olive oil.

You will be fully satisfied.

I will never again make you an object of mockery among the nations.

Romans 2:23-24

2:23 You who boast in the law dishonor God by transgressing the law! 2:24 For just as it is written, “the name of God is being blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.”