Psalms 38:12

38:12 Those who seek my life try to entrap me;

those who want to harm me speak destructive words;

all day long they say deceitful things.

Psalms 38:1

Psalm 38

A psalm of David, written to get God’s attention.

38:1 O Lord, do not continue to rebuke me in your anger!

Do not continue to punish me in your raging fury!

Psalms 23:1

Psalm 23

A psalm of David.

23:1 The Lord is my shepherd,

I lack nothing.

Psalms 23:1

Psalm 23

A psalm of David.

23:1 The Lord is my shepherd,

I lack nothing.

Psalms 19:10

19:10 They are of greater value than gold,

than even a great amount of pure gold;

they bring greater delight than honey,

than even the sweetest honey from a honeycomb.

Ezekiel 13:19

13:19 You have profaned me among my people for handfuls of barley and scraps of bread. You have put to death people who should not die and kept alive those who should not live by your lies to my people, who listen to lies!

Matthew 27:1

Jesus Brought Before Pilate

27:1 When it was early in the morning, all the chief priests and the elders of the people plotted against Jesus to execute him.