Psalms 38:20

38:20 They repay me evil for the good I have done;

though I have tried to do good to them, they hurl accusations at me.

Psalms 109:3-5

109:3 They surround me and say hateful things;

they attack me for no reason.

109:4 They repay my love with accusations,

but I continue to pray.

109:5 They repay me evil for good,

and hate for love.

Psalms 109:1

Psalm 109

For the music director, a psalm of David.

109:1 O God whom I praise, do not ignore me!

Psalms 19:4-5

19:4 Yet its voice echoes throughout the earth;

its words carry to the distant horizon.

In the sky he has pitched a tent for the sun.

19:5 Like a bridegroom it emerges from its chamber;

like a strong man it enjoys running its course.

Psalms 19:1

Psalm 19

For the music director; a psalm of David.

19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God;

the sky displays his handiwork.

Psalms 22:13-14

22:13 They open their mouths to devour me

like a roaring lion that rips its prey.

22:14 My strength drains away like water;

all my bones are dislocated;

my heart is like wax;

it melts away inside me.

Proverbs 17:13

17:13 As for the one who repays evil for good,

evil will not leave his house.

Jeremiah 18:20

18:20 Should good be paid back with evil?

Yet they are virtually digging a pit to kill me.

Just remember how I stood before you

pleading on their behalf

to keep you from venting your anger on them.

John 10:32

10:32 Jesus said to them, “I have shown you many good deeds from the Father. For which one of them are you going to stone me?”