Psalms 38:6

38:6 I am dazed and completely humiliated;

all day long I walk around mourning.

Psalms 43:2

43:2 For you are the God who shelters me.

Why do you reject me?

Why must I walk around mourning

because my enemies oppress me?

Psalms 88:9

88:9 My eyes grow weak because of oppression.

I call out to you, O Lord, all day long;

I spread out my hands in prayer to you.

Job 30:26-31

30:26 But when I hoped for good, trouble came;

when I expected light, then darkness came.

30:27 My heart is in turmoil unceasingly;

the days of my affliction confront me.

30:28 I go about blackened, but not by the sun;

in the assembly I stand up and cry for help.

30:29 I have become a brother to jackals

and a companion of ostriches.

30:30 My skin has turned dark on me;

my body is hot with fever.

30:31 My harp is used for mourning

and my flute for the sound of weeping.