Psalms 44:13-16

44:13 You made us an object of disdain to our neighbors;

those who live on our borders taunt and insult us.

44:14 You made us an object of ridicule among the nations;

foreigners treat us with contempt.

44:15 All day long I feel humiliated

and am overwhelmed with shame,

44:16 before the vindictive enemy

who ridicules and insults me.

Psalms 69:9

69:9 Certainly zeal for your house consumes me;

I endure the insults of those who insult you.

Psalms 69:19-20

69:19 You know how I am insulted, humiliated and disgraced;

you can see all my enemies.

69:20 Their insults are painful and make me lose heart;

I look for sympathy, but receive none,

for comforters, but find none.

Psalms 74:18

74:18 Remember how the enemy hurls insults, O Lord,

and how a foolish nation blasphemes your name!

Psalms 74:22

74:22 Rise up, O God! Defend your honor!

Remember how fools insult you all day long!

Psalms 79:10-12

79:10 Why should the nations say, “Where is their God?”

Before our very eyes may the shed blood of your servants

be avenged among the nations!

79:11 Listen to the painful cries of the prisoners!

Use your great strength to set free those condemned to die!

79:12 Pay back our neighbors in full!

May they be insulted the same way they insulted you, O Lord!

Romans 15:3

15:3 For even Christ did not please himself, but just as it is written, “The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.”