Psalms 44:23

44:23 Rouse yourself! Why do you sleep, O Lord?

Wake up! Do not reject us forever!

Psalms 44:26

44:26 Rise up and help us!

Rescue us because of your loyal love!

Joshua 10:24

10:24 When they brought the kings out to Joshua, he summoned all the men of Israel and said to the commanders of the troops who accompanied him, “Come here and put your feet on the necks of these kings.” So they came up and put their feet on their necks.

Joshua 10:2

10:2 All Jerusalem was terrified because Gibeon was a large city, like one of the royal cities. It was larger than Ai and all its men were warriors.

Joshua 22:1

Joshua Sends Home the Eastern Tribes

22:1 Then Joshua summoned the Reubenites, Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh

Isaiah 10:6

10:6 I sent him against a godless nation,

I ordered him to attack the people with whom I was angry,

to take plunder and to carry away loot,

to trample them down like dirt in the streets.

Isaiah 25:10

25:10 For the Lord’s power will make this mountain secure.

Moab will be trampled down where it stands,

as a heap of straw is trampled down in a manure pile.

Isaiah 63:3-6

63:3 “I have stomped grapes in the winepress all by myself;

no one from the nations joined me.

I stomped on them in my anger;

I trampled them down in my rage.

Their juice splashed on my garments,

and stained all my clothes.

63:4 For I looked forward to the day of vengeance,

and then payback time arrived.

63:5 I looked, but there was no one to help;

I was shocked because there was no one offering support.

So my right arm accomplished deliverance;

my raging anger drove me on.

63:6 I trampled nations in my anger,

I made them drunk in my rage,

I splashed their blood on the ground.”

Micah 1:3

1:3 Look, the Lord is coming out of his dwelling place!

He will descend and march on the earth’s mountaintops!