Psalms 5:11-12

5:11 But may all who take shelter in you be happy!

May they continually shout for joy!

Shelter them so that those who are loyal to you may rejoice!

5:12 Certainly you reward the godly, Lord.

Like a shield you protect them in your good favor.

Psalms 10:12-16

10:12 Rise up, Lord!

O God, strike him down!

Do not forget the oppressed!

10:13 Why does the wicked man reject God?

He says to himself, “You will not hold me accountable.”

10:14 You have taken notice,

for you always see one who inflicts pain and suffering.

The unfortunate victim entrusts his cause to you;

you deliver the fatherless.

10:15 Break the arm of the wicked and evil man!

Hold him accountable for his wicked deeds,

which he thought you would not discover.

10:16 The Lord rules forever!

The nations are driven out of his land.

Psalms 10:1

Psalm 10

10:1 Why, Lord, do you stand far off?

Why do you pay no attention during times of trouble?

Psalms 17:1

Psalm 17

A prayer of David.

17:1 Lord, consider my just cause!

Pay attention to my cry for help!

Listen to the prayer

I sincerely offer!

Psalms 25:1

Psalm 25

By David.

25:1 O Lord, I come before you in prayer.

Psalms 25:1-2

Psalm 25

By David.

25:1 O Lord, I come before you in prayer.

25:2 My God, I trust in you.

Please do not let me be humiliated;

do not let my enemies triumphantly rejoice over me!

Psalms 19:1

Psalm 19

For the music director; a psalm of David.

19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God;

the sky displays his handiwork.

Psalms 19:1-2

Psalm 19

For the music director; a psalm of David.

19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God;

the sky displays his handiwork.

19:2 Day after day it speaks out;

night after night it reveals his greatness.

Psalms 16:9

16:9 So my heart rejoices

and I am happy;

My life is safe.