Psalms 51:1

Psalm 51

For the music director; a psalm of David, written when Nathan the prophet confronted him after David’s affair with Bathsheba.

51:1 Have mercy on me, O God, because of your loyal love!

Because of your great compassion, wipe away my rebellious acts!

Psalms 69:16

69:16 Answer me, O Lord, for your loyal love is good!

Because of your great compassion, turn toward me!

Psalms 109:21

109:21 O sovereign Lord,

intervene on my behalf for the sake of your reputation!

Because your loyal love is good, deliver me!

Isaiah 63:7

A Prayer for Divine Intervention

63:7 I will tell of the faithful acts of the Lord,

of the Lord’s praiseworthy deeds.

I will tell about all the Lord did for us,

the many good things he did for the family of Israel,

because of his compassion and great faithfulness.