Psalms 51:1--65:13

Psalm 51

For the music director; a psalm of David, written when Nathan the prophet confronted him after David’s affair with Bathsheba.

51:1 Have mercy on me, O God, because of your loyal love!

Because of your great compassion, wipe away my rebellious acts!

51:2 Wash away my wrongdoing!

Cleanse me of my sin!

51:3 For I am aware of my rebellious acts;

I am forever conscious of my sin.

51:4 Against you – you above all – I have sinned;

I have done what is evil in your sight.

So you are just when you confront me;

you are right when you condemn me.

51:5 Look, I was guilty of sin from birth,

a sinner the moment my mother conceived me.

51:6 Look, you desire integrity in the inner man;

you want me to possess wisdom.

51:7 Sprinkle me with water and I will be pure;

wash me and I will be whiter than snow.

51:8 Grant me the ultimate joy of being forgiven!

May the bones you crushed rejoice!

51:9 Hide your face from my sins!

Wipe away all my guilt!

51:10 Create for me a pure heart, O God!

Renew a resolute spirit within me!

51:11 Do not reject me!

Do not take your Holy Spirit away from me!

51:12 Let me again experience the joy of your deliverance!

Sustain me by giving me the desire to obey!

51:13 Then I will teach rebels your merciful ways,

and sinners will turn to you.

51:14 Rescue me from the guilt of murder, O God, the God who delivers me!

Then my tongue will shout for joy because of your deliverance.

51:15 O Lord, give me the words!

Then my mouth will praise you.

51:16 Certainly you do not want a sacrifice, or else I would offer it;

you do not desire a burnt sacrifice.

51:17 The sacrifices God desires are a humble spirit

O God, a humble and repentant heart you will not reject.

51:18 Because you favor Zion, do what is good for her!

Fortify the walls of Jerusalem!

51:19 Then you will accept the proper sacrifices, burnt sacrifices and whole offerings;

then bulls will be sacrificed on your altar.

Psalm 52

For the music director; a well-written song by David. It was written when Doeg the Edomite went and informed Saul: “David has arrived at the home of Ahimelech.”

52:1 Why do you boast about your evil plans, O powerful man?

God’s loyal love protects me all day long!

52:2 Your tongue carries out your destructive plans;

it is as effective as a sharp razor, O deceiver.

52:3 You love evil more than good,

lies more than speaking the truth. (Selah)

52:4 You love to use all the words that destroy,

and the tongue that deceives.

52:5 Yet God will make you a permanent heap of ruins.

He will scoop you up and remove you from your home;

he will uproot you from the land of the living. (Selah)

52:6 When the godly see this, they will be filled with awe,

and will mock the evildoer, saying:

52:7 “Look, here is the man who would not make God his protector!

He trusted in his great wealth

and was confident about his plans to destroy others.”

52:8 But I am like a flourishing olive tree in the house of God;

I continually trust in God’s loyal love.

52:9 I will continually thank you when you execute judgment;

I will rely on you, for your loyal followers know you are good.

Psalm 53

For the music director; according to the machalath style; a well-written song by David.

53:1 Fools say to themselves, “There is no God.”

They sin and commit evil deeds;

none of them does what is right.

53:2 God looks down from heaven at the human race,

to see if there is anyone who is wise and seeks God.

53:3 Everyone rejects God;

they are all morally corrupt.

None of them does what is right,

not even one!

53:4 All those who behave wickedly do not understand

those who devour my people as if they were eating bread,

and do not call out to God.

53:5 They are absolutely terrified,

even by things that do not normally cause fear.

For God annihilates those who attack you.

You are able to humiliate them because God has rejected them.

53:6 I wish the deliverance of Israel would come from Zion!

When God restores the well-being of his people,

may Jacob rejoice,

may Israel be happy!

Psalm 54

For the music director, to be accompanied by stringed instruments; a well-written song by David. It was written when the Ziphites came and informed Saul: “David is hiding with us.”

54:1 O God, deliver me by your name!

Vindicate me by your power!

54:2 O God, listen to my prayer!

Pay attention to what I say!

54:3 For foreigners attack me;

ruthless men, who do not respect God, seek my life. (Selah)

54:4 Look, God is my deliverer!

The Lord is among those who support me.

54:5 May those who wait to ambush me be repaid for their evil!

As a demonstration of your faithfulness, destroy them!

54:6 With a freewill offering I will sacrifice to you!

I will give thanks to your name, O Lord, for it is good!

54:7 Surely he rescues me from all trouble,

and I triumph over my enemies.

Psalm 55

For the music director, to be accompanied by stringed instruments; a well-written song by David.

55:1 Listen, O God, to my prayer!

Do not ignore my appeal for mercy!

55:2 Pay attention to me and answer me!

I am so upset and distressed, I am beside myself,

55:3 because of what the enemy says,

and because of how the wicked pressure me,

for they hurl trouble down upon me

and angrily attack me.

55:4 My heart beats violently within me;

the horrors of death overcome me.

55:5 Fear and panic overpower me;

terror overwhelms me.

55:6 I say, “I wish I had wings like a dove!

I would fly away and settle in a safe place!

55:7 Look, I will escape to a distant place;

I will stay in the wilderness. (Selah)

55:8 I will hurry off to a place that is safe

from the strong wind and the gale.”

55:9 Confuse them, O Lord!

Frustrate their plans!

For I see violence and conflict in the city.

55:10 Day and night they walk around on its walls,

while wickedness and destruction are within it.

55:11 Disaster is within it;

violence and deceit do not depart from its public square.

55:12 Indeed, it is not an enemy who insults me,

or else I could bear it;

it is not one who hates me who arrogantly taunts me,

or else I could hide from him.

55:13 But it is you, a man like me,

my close friend in whom I confided.

55:14 We would share personal thoughts with each other;

in God’s temple we would walk together among the crowd.

55:15 May death destroy them!

May they go down alive into Sheol!

For evil is in their dwelling place and in their midst.

55:16 As for me, I will call out to God,

and the Lord will deliver me.

55:17 During the evening, morning, and noontime

I will lament and moan,

and he will hear me.

55:18 He will rescue me and protect me from those who attack me,

even though they greatly outnumber me.

55:19 God, the one who has reigned as king from long ago,

will hear and humiliate them. (Selah)

They refuse to change,

and do not fear God.

55:20 He attacks his friends;

he breaks his solemn promises to them.

55:21 His words are as smooth as butter,

but he harbors animosity in his heart.

His words seem softer than oil,

but they are really like sharp swords.

55:22 Throw your burden upon the Lord,

and he will sustain you.

He will never allow the godly to be upended.

55:23 But you, O God, will bring them down to the deep Pit.

Violent and deceitful people will not live even half a normal lifespan.

But as for me, I trust in you.

Psalm 56

For the music director; according to the yonath-elem-rechovim style; a prayer of David, written when the Philistines captured him in Gath.

56:1 Have mercy on me, O God, for men are attacking me!

All day long hostile enemies are tormenting me.

56:2 Those who anticipate my defeat attack me all day long.

Indeed, many are fighting against me, O Exalted One.

56:3 When I am afraid,

I trust in you.

56:4 In God – I boast in his promise

in God I trust, I am not afraid.

What can mere men do to me?

56:5 All day long they cause me trouble;

they make a habit of plotting my demise.

56:6 They stalk and lurk;

they watch my every step,

as they prepare to take my life.

56:7 Because they are bent on violence, do not let them escape!

In your anger bring down the nations, O God!

56:8 You keep track of my misery.

Put my tears in your leather container!

Are they not recorded in your scroll?

56:9 My enemies will turn back when I cry out to you for help;

I know that God is on my side.

56:10 In God – I boast in his promise

in the Lord – I boast in his promise

56:11 in God I trust, I am not afraid.

What can mere men do to me?

56:12 I am obligated to fulfill the vows I made to you, O God;

I will give you the thank-offerings you deserve,

56:13 when you deliver my life from death.

You keep my feet from stumbling,

so that I might serve God as I enjoy life.

Psalm 57

For the music director; according to the al-tashcheth style; a prayer of David, written when he fled from Saul into the cave.

57:1 Have mercy on me, O God! Have mercy on me!

For in you I have taken shelter.

In the shadow of your wings I take shelter

until trouble passes.

57:2 I cry out for help to the sovereign God,

to the God who vindicates me.

57:3 May he send help from heaven and deliver me

from my enemies who hurl insults! (Selah)

May God send his loyal love and faithfulness!

57:4 I am surrounded by lions;

I lie down among those who want to devour me;

men whose teeth are spears and arrows,

whose tongues are a sharp sword.

57:5 Rise up above the sky, O God!

May your splendor cover the whole earth!

57:6 They have prepared a net to trap me;

I am discouraged.

They have dug a pit for me.

They will fall into it! (Selah)

57:7 I am determined, O God! I am determined!

I will sing and praise you!

57:8 Awake, my soul!

Awake, O stringed instrument and harp!

I will wake up at dawn!

57:9 I will give you thanks before the nations, O Master!

I will sing praises to you before foreigners!

57:10 For your loyal love extends beyond the sky,

and your faithfulness reaches the clouds.

57:11 Rise up above the sky, O God!

May your splendor cover the whole earth!

Psalm 58

For the music director; according to the al-tashcheth style; a prayer of David.

58:1 Do you rulers really pronounce just decisions?

Do you judge people fairly?

58:2 No! You plan how to do what is unjust;

you deal out violence in the earth.

58:3 The wicked turn aside from birth;

liars go astray as soon as they are born.

58:4 Their venom is like that of a snake,

like a deaf serpent that does not hear,

58:5 that does not respond to the magicians,

or to a skilled snake-charmer.

58:6 O God, break the teeth in their mouths!

Smash the jawbones of the lions, O Lord!

58:7 Let them disappear like water that flows away!

Let them wither like grass!

58:8 Let them be like a snail that melts away as it moves along!

Let them be like stillborn babies that never see the sun!

58:9 Before the kindling is even placed under your pots,

he will sweep it away along with both the raw and cooked meat.

58:10 The godly will rejoice when they see vengeance carried out;

they will bathe their feet in the blood of the wicked.

58:11 Then observers will say,

“Yes indeed, the godly are rewarded!

Yes indeed, there is a God who judges in the earth!”

Psalm 59

For the music director; according to the al-tashcheth style; a prayer of David, written when Saul sent men to surround his house and murder him.

59:1 Deliver me from my enemies, my God!

Protect me from those who attack me!

59:2 Deliver me from evildoers!

Rescue me from violent men!

59:3 For look, they wait to ambush me;

powerful men stalk me,

but not because I have rebelled or sinned, O Lord.

59:4 Though I have done nothing wrong, they are anxious to attack.

Spring into action and help me! Take notice of me!

59:5 You, O Lord God, the invincible warrior, the God of Israel,

rouse yourself and punish all the nations!

Have no mercy on any treacherous evildoers! (Selah)

59:6 They return in the evening;

they growl like a dog

and prowl around outside the city.

59:7 Look, they hurl insults at me

and openly threaten to kill me,

for they say,

“Who hears?”

59:8 But you, O Lord, laugh in disgust at them;

you taunt all the nations.

59:9 You are my source of strength! I will wait for you!

For God is my refuge.

59:10 The God who loves me will help me;

God will enable me to triumph over my enemies.

59:11 Do not strike them dead suddenly,

because then my people might forget the lesson.

Use your power to make them homeless vagabonds and then bring them down,

O Lord who shields us!

59:12 They speak sinful words.

So let them be trapped by their own pride

and by the curses and lies they speak!

59:13 Angrily wipe them out! Wipe them out so they vanish!

Let them know that God rules

in Jacob and to the ends of the earth! (Selah)

59:14 They return in the evening;

they growl like a dog

and prowl around outside the city.

59:15 They wander around looking for something to eat;

they refuse to sleep until they are full.

59:16 As for me, I will sing about your strength;

I will praise your loyal love in the morning.

For you are my refuge

and my place of shelter when I face trouble.

59:17 You are my source of strength! I will sing praises to you!

For God is my refuge, the God who loves me.

Psalm 60

For the music director; according to the shushan-eduth style; a prayer of David written to instruct others. It was written when he fought against Aram Naharaim and Aram-Zobah. That was when Joab turned back and struck down 12,000 Edomites in the Valley of Salt.

60:1 O God, you have rejected us.

You suddenly turned on us in your anger.

Please restore us!

60:2 You made the earth quake; you split it open.

Repair its breaches, for it is ready to fall.

60:3 You have made your people experience hard times;

you have made us drink intoxicating wine.

60:4 You have given your loyal followers a rallying flag,

so that they might seek safety from the bow. (Selah)

60:5 Deliver by your power and answer me,

so that the ones you love may be safe.

60:6 God has spoken in his sanctuary:

“I will triumph! I will parcel out Shechem;

the Valley of Succoth I will measure off.

60:7 Gilead belongs to me,

as does Manasseh!

Ephraim is my helmet,

Judah my royal scepter.

60:8 Moab is my washbasin.

I will make Edom serve me.

I will shout in triumph over Philistia.”

60:9 Who will lead me into the fortified city?

Who will bring me to Edom?

60:10 Have you not rejected us, O God?

O God, you do not go into battle with our armies.

60:11 Give us help against the enemy,

for any help men might offer is futile.

60:12 By God’s power we will conquer;

he will trample down our enemies.

Psalm 61

For the music director; to be played on a stringed instrument; written by David.

61:1 O God, hear my cry for help!

Pay attention to my prayer!

61:2 From the most remote place on earth

I call out to you in my despair.

Lead me up to an inaccessible rocky summit!

61:3 Indeed, you are my shelter,

a strong tower that protects me from the enemy.

61:4 I will be a permanent guest in your home;

I will find shelter in the protection of your wings. (Selah)

61:5 For you, O God, hear my vows;

you grant me the reward that belongs to your loyal followers.

61:6 Give the king long life!

Make his lifetime span several generations!

61:7 May he reign forever before God!

Decree that your loyal love and faithfulness should protect him.

61:8 Then I will sing praises to your name continually,

as I fulfill my vows day after day.

Psalm 62

For the music director, Jeduthun; a psalm of David.

62:1 For God alone I patiently wait;

he is the one who delivers me.

62:2 He alone is my protector and deliverer.

He is my refuge; I will not be upended.

62:3 How long will you threaten a man?

All of you are murderers,

as dangerous as a leaning wall or an unstable fence.

62:4 They spend all their time planning how to bring him down.

They love to use deceit;

they pronounce blessings with their mouths,

but inwardly they utter curses. (Selah)

62:5 Patiently wait for God alone, my soul!

For he is the one who gives me confidence.

62:6 He alone is my protector and deliverer.

He is my refuge; I will not be upended.

62:7 God delivers me and exalts me;

God is my strong protector and my shelter.

62:8 Trust in him at all times, you people!

Pour out your hearts before him!

God is our shelter! (Selah)

62:9 Men are nothing but a mere breath;

human beings are unreliable.

When they are weighed in the scales,

all of them together are lighter than air.

62:10 Do not trust in what you can gain by oppression!

Do not put false confidence in what you can gain by robbery!

If wealth increases, do not become attached to it!

62:11 God has declared one principle;

two principles I have heard:

God is strong,

62:12 and you, O Lord, demonstrate loyal love.

For you repay men for what they do.

Psalm 63

A psalm of David, written when he was in the Judean wilderness.

63:1 O God, you are my God! I long for you!

My soul thirsts for you,

my flesh yearns for you,

in a dry and parched land where there is no water.

63:2 Yes, in the sanctuary I have seen you,

and witnessed your power and splendor.

63:3 Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,

my lips will praise you.

63:4 For this reason I will praise you while I live;

in your name I will lift up my hands.

63:5 As if with choice meat you satisfy my soul.

My mouth joyfully praises you,

63:6 whenever I remember you on my bed,

and think about you during the nighttime hours.

63:7 For you are my deliverer;

under your wings I rejoice.

63:8 My soul pursues you;

your right hand upholds me.

63:9 Enemies seek to destroy my life,

but they will descend into the depths of the earth.

63:10 Each one will be handed over to the sword;

their corpses will be eaten by jackals.

63:11 But the king will rejoice in God;

everyone who takes oaths in his name will boast,

for the mouths of those who speak lies will be shut up.

Psalm 64

For the music director; a psalm of David.

64:1 Listen to me, O God, as I offer my lament!

Protect my life from the enemy’s terrifying attacks.

64:2 Hide me from the plots of evil men,

from the crowd of evildoers.

64:3 They sharpen their tongues like a sword;

they aim their arrow, a slanderous charge,

64:4 in order to shoot down the innocent in secluded places.

They shoot at him suddenly and are unafraid of retaliation.

64:5 They encourage one another to carry out their evil deed.

They plan how to hide snares,

and boast, “Who will see them?”

64:6 They devise unjust schemes;

they disguise a well-conceived plot.

Man’s inner thoughts cannot be discovered.

64:7 But God will shoot at them;

suddenly they will be wounded by an arrow.

64:8 Their slander will bring about their demise.

All who see them will shudder,

64:9 and all people will fear.

They will proclaim what God has done,

and reflect on his deeds.

64:10 The godly will rejoice in the Lord

and take shelter in him.

All the morally upright will boast.

Psalm 65

For the music director; a psalm of David, a song.

65:1 Praise awaits you, O God, in Zion.

Vows made to you are fulfilled.

65:2 You hear prayers;

all people approach you.

65:3 Our record of sins overwhelms me,

but you forgive our acts of rebellion.

65:4 How blessed is the one whom you choose,

and allow to live in your palace courts.

May we be satisfied with the good things of your house –

your holy palace.

65:5 You answer our prayers by performing awesome acts of deliverance,

O God, our savior.

All the ends of the earth trust in you,

as well as those living across the wide seas.

65:6 You created the mountains by your power,

and demonstrated your strength.

65:7 You calm the raging seas

and their roaring waves,

as well as the commotion made by the nations.

65:8 Even those living in the most remote areas are awestruck by your acts;

you cause those living in the east and west to praise you.

65:9 You visit the earth and give it rain;

you make it rich and fertile

with overflowing streams full of water.

You provide grain for them,

for you prepare the earth to yield its crops.

65:10 You saturate its furrows,

and soak its plowed ground.

With rain showers you soften its soil,

and make its crops grow.

65:11 You crown the year with your good blessings,

and you leave abundance in your wake.

65:12 The pastures in the wilderness glisten with moisture,

and the hills are clothed with joy.

65:13 The meadows are clothed with sheep,

and the valleys are covered with grain.

They shout joyfully, yes, they sing.