Psalms 55:20

55:20 He attacks his friends;

he breaks his solemn promises to them.

Psalms 109:5

109:5 They repay me evil for good,

and hate for love.

Genesis 44:4

44:4 They had not gone very far from the city when Joseph said to the servant who was over his household, “Pursue the men at once! When you overtake them, say to them, ‘Why have you repaid good with evil?

Proverbs 17:3

17:3 The crucible is for refining silver and the furnace is for gold,

likewise the Lord tests hearts.

Jeremiah 18:20-21

18:20 Should good be paid back with evil?

Yet they are virtually digging a pit to kill me.

Just remember how I stood before you

pleading on their behalf

to keep you from venting your anger on them.

18:21 So let their children die of starvation.

Let them be cut down by the sword.

Let their wives lose their husbands and children.

Let the older men die of disease

and the younger men die by the sword in battle.