Psalms 6:7

6:7 My eyes grow dim from suffering;

they grow weak because of all my enemies.

Psalms 69:3

69:3 I am exhausted from shouting for help;

my throat is sore;

my eyes grow tired of looking for my God.

Psalms 88:9

88:9 My eyes grow weak because of oppression.

I call out to you, O Lord, all day long;

I spread out my hands in prayer to you.

Psalms 119:123

119:123 My eyes grow tired as I wait for your deliverance,

for your reliable promise to be fulfilled.

Psalms 119:1

Psalm 119

א (Alef)

119:1 How blessed are those whose actions are blameless,

who obey the law of the Lord.

Psalms 14:1

Psalm 14

For the music director; by David.

14:1 Fools say to themselves, “There is no God.”

They sin and commit evil deeds;

none of them does what is right.

Lamentations 2:11

כ (Kaf)

2:11 My eyes are worn out from weeping;

my stomach is in knots.

My heart is poured out on the ground

due to the destruction of my helpless people;

children and infants faint

in the town squares.

Lamentations 5:16-17

5:16 The crown has fallen from our head;

woe to us, for we have sinned!

5:17 Because of this, our hearts are sick;

because of these things, we can hardly see through our tears.