Psalms 62:1-2

Psalm 62

For the music director, Jeduthun; a psalm of David.

62:1 For God alone I patiently wait;

he is the one who delivers me.

62:2 He alone is my protector and deliverer.

He is my refuge; I will not be upended.

Psalms 62:5-8

62:5 Patiently wait for God alone, my soul!

For he is the one who gives me confidence.

62:6 He alone is my protector and deliverer.

He is my refuge; I will not be upended.

62:7 God delivers me and exalts me;

God is my strong protector and my shelter.

62:8 Trust in him at all times, you people!

Pour out your hearts before him!

God is our shelter! (Selah)