Psalms 7:16

7:16 He becomes the victim of his own destructive plans

and the violence he intended for others falls on his own head.

Psalms 9:16-17

9:16 The Lord revealed himself;

he accomplished justice;

the wicked were ensnared by their own actions. (Higgaion. Selah)

9:17 The wicked are turned back and sent to Sheol;

this is the destiny of all the nations that ignore God,

Psalms 55:23

55:23 But you, O God, will bring them down to the deep Pit.

Violent and deceitful people will not live even half a normal lifespan.

But as for me, I trust in you.

Psalms 64:8

64:8 Their slander will bring about their demise.

All who see them will shudder,

Esther 7:10

7:10 So they hanged Haman on the very gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. The king’s rage then abated.

Proverbs 1:31

1:31 Therefore they will eat from the fruit of their way,

and they will be stuffed full of their own counsel.

Proverbs 2:22

2:22 but the wicked will be removed from the land,

and the treacherous will be torn away from it.

Proverbs 5:22

5:22 The wicked will be captured by his own iniquities,

and he will be held by the cords of his own sin.

Daniel 7:24

7:24 The ten horns

mean that ten kings will arise from that kingdom.

Another king will arise after them,

but he will be different from the earlier ones.

He will humiliate three kings.