Psalms 7:17

7:17 I will thank the Lord for his justice;

I will sing praises to the sovereign Lord!

Psalms 56:2-3

56:2 Those who anticipate my defeat attack me all day long.

Indeed, many are fighting against me, O Exalted One.

56:3 When I am afraid,

I trust in you.

Psalms 83:18

83:18 Then they will know that you alone are the Lord,

the sovereign king over all the earth.

Psalms 97:9

97:9 For you, O Lord, are the sovereign king over the whole earth;

you are elevated high above all gods.

Daniel 5:18

5:18 As for you, O king, the most high God bestowed on your father Nebuchadnezzar a kingdom, greatness, honor, and majesty.