Psalms 7:2

7:2 Otherwise they will rip me to shreds like a lion;

they will tear me to bits and no one will be able to rescue me.

Psalms 7:4-5

7:4 or have wronged my ally,

or helped his lawless enemy,

7:5 may an enemy relentlessly chase me and catch me;

may he trample me to death

and leave me lying dishonored in the dust. (Selah)

Psalms 8:2

8:2 From the mouths of children and nursing babies

you have ordained praise on account of your adversaries,

so that you might put an end to the vindictive enemy.

Psalms 9:6

9:6 The enemy’s cities have been reduced to permanent ruins;

you destroyed their cities;

all memory of the enemies has perished.

Psalms 10:18

10:18 You defend the fatherless and oppressed,

so that mere mortals may no longer terrorize them.

Psalms 17:9

17:9 Protect me from the wicked men who attack me,

my enemies who crowd around me for the kill.

Psalms 74:10

74:10 How long, O God, will the adversary hurl insults?

Will the enemy blaspheme your name forever?

Psalms 74:18

74:18 Remember how the enemy hurls insults, O Lord,

and how a foolish nation blasphemes your name!

Psalms 74:1

Psalm 74

A well-written song by Asaph.

74:1 Why, O God, have you permanently rejected us?

Why does your anger burn against the sheep of your pasture?

Psalms 18:29

18:29 Indeed, with your help I can charge against an army;

by my God’s power I can jump over a wall.

Psalms 24:1

Psalm 24

A psalm of David.

24:1 The Lord owns the earth and all it contains,

the world and all who live in it.

Esther 7:6

7:6 Esther replied, “The oppressor and enemy is this evil Haman!”

Then Haman became terrified in the presence of the king and queen.

Lamentations 1:9

ט (Tet)

1:9 Her menstrual flow has soiled her clothing;

she did not consider the consequences of her sin.

Her demise was astonishing,

and there was no one to comfort her.

She cried, “Look, O Lord, on my affliction

because my enemy boasts!”

Micah 7:8-10

Jerusalem Will Be Vindicated

7:8 My enemies, do not gloat over me!

Though I have fallen, I will get up.

Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light.

7:9 I must endure the Lord’s anger,

for I have sinned against him.

But then he will defend my cause,

and accomplish justice on my behalf.

He will lead me out into the light;

I will experience firsthand his deliverance.

7:10 When my enemies see this, they will be covered with shame.

They say to me, “Where is the Lord your God?”

I will gloat over them.

Then they will be trampled down

like mud in the streets.