Psalms 79:9

79:9 Help us, O God, our deliverer!

For the sake of your glorious reputation, rescue us!

Forgive our sins for the sake of your reputation!

Psalms 89:3

89:3 The Lord said,

“I have made a covenant with my chosen one;

I have made a promise on oath to David, my servant:

Psalms 89:7

89:7 a God who is honored in the great angelic assembly,

and more awesome than all who surround him?

Psalms 89:19

89:19 Then you spoke through a vision to your faithful followers and said:

“I have energized a warrior;

I have raised up a young man from the people.

Psalms 85:4

85:4 Restore us, O God our deliverer!

Do not be displeased with us!

Psalms 90:13

90:13 Turn back toward us, O Lord!

How long must this suffering last?

Have pity on your servants!

Lamentations 3:31-32

כ (Kaf)

3:31 For the Lord will not

reject us forever.

3:32 Though he causes us grief, he then has compassion on us

according to the abundance of his loyal kindness.

Zechariah 10:6

10:6 “I (says the Lord) will strengthen the kingdom of Judah and deliver the people of Joseph and will bring them back because of my compassion for them. They will be as though I had never rejected them, for I am the Lord their God and therefore I will hear them.