Psalms 80:3

80:3 O God, restore us!

Smile on us! Then we will be delivered!

Psalms 80:7

80:7 O God, invincible warrior, restore us!

Smile on us! Then we will be delivered!

Psalms 80:19

80:19 O Lord God, invincible warrior, restore us!

Smile on us! Then we will be delivered!

Psalms 50:2

50:2 From Zion, the most beautiful of all places,

God comes in splendor.

Psalms 94:1

Psalm 94

94:1 O Lord, the God who avenges!

O God who avenges, reveal your splendor!

Deuteronomy 33:2

33:2 He said:

A Historical Review

The Lord came from Sinai

and revealed himself to Israel from Seir.

He appeared in splendor from Mount Paran,

and came forth with ten thousand holy ones.

With his right hand he gave a fiery law to them.

Job 10:3

10:3 Is it good for you to oppress,

to despise the work of your hands,

while you smile

on the schemes of the wicked?

Isaiah 60:1

Zion’s Future Splendor

60:1 “Arise! Shine! For your light arrives!

The splendor of the Lord shines on you!

Ezekiel 43:2

43:2 I saw the glory of the God of Israel coming from the east; the sound was like that of rushing water; and the earth radiated his glory.

Daniel 9:17

9:17 “So now, our God, accept the prayer and requests of your servant, and show favor to your devastated sanctuary for your own sake.

Revelation 21:23

21:23 The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, because the glory of God lights it up, and its lamp is the Lamb.