Psalms 9:13-14

9:13 when they prayed:

“Have mercy on me, Lord!

See how I am oppressed by those who hate me,

O one who can snatch me away from the gates of death!

9:14 Then I will tell about all your praiseworthy acts;

in the gates of Daughter Zion I will rejoice because of your deliverance.”

Psalms 30:9

30:9 “What profit is there in taking my life,

in my descending into the Pit?

Can the dust of the grave praise you?

Can it declare your loyalty?

Psalms 51:14-15

51:14 Rescue me from the guilt of murder, O God, the God who delivers me!

Then my tongue will shout for joy because of your deliverance.

51:15 O Lord, give me the words!

Then my mouth will praise you.

Psalms 118:18-19

118:18 The Lord severely punished me,

but he did not hand me over to death.

118:19 Open for me the gates of the just king’s temple!

I will enter through them and give thanks to the Lord.

Isaiah 38:19

38:19 The living person, the living person, he gives you thanks,

as I do today.

A father tells his sons about your faithfulness.