Psalms 9:5

9:5 You terrified the nations with your battle cry;

you destroyed the wicked;

you permanently wiped out all memory of them.

Psalms 9:15

9:15 The nations fell into the pit they had made;

their feet were caught in the net they had hidden.

Psalms 18:43-45

18:43 You rescue me from a hostile army;

you make me a leader of nations;

people over whom I had no authority are now my subjects.

18:44 When they hear of my exploits, they submit to me.

Foreigners are powerless before me;

18:45 foreigners lose their courage;

they shake with fear as they leave their strongholds.

Psalms 44:2-3

44:2 You, by your power, defeated nations and settled our fathers on their land;

you crushed the people living there and enabled our ancestors to occupy it.

44:3 For they did not conquer the land by their swords,

and they did not prevail by their strength,

but rather by your power, strength and good favor,

for you were partial to them.

Psalms 78:55

78:55 He drove the nations out from before them;

he assigned them their tribal allotments

and allowed the tribes of Israel to settle down.