Psalms 94:2-3

94:2 Rise up, O judge of the earth!

Pay back the proud!

94:3 O Lord, how long will the wicked,

how long will the wicked celebrate?

Psalms 7:8-9

7:8 The Lord judges the nations.

Vindicate me, Lord, because I am innocent,

because I am blameless, O Exalted One!

7:9 May the evil deeds of the wicked come to an end!

But make the innocent secure,

O righteous God,

you who examine inner thoughts and motives!

Psalms 9:16

9:16 The Lord revealed himself;

he accomplished justice;

the wicked were ensnared by their own actions. (Higgaion. Selah)

Psalms 58:11

58:11 Then observers will say,

“Yes indeed, the godly are rewarded!

Yes indeed, there is a God who judges in the earth!”

Psalms 125:3

125:3 Indeed, the scepter of a wicked king will not settle

upon the allotted land of the godly.

Otherwise the godly might

do what is wrong.

Deuteronomy 32:35-36

32:35 I will get revenge and pay them back

at the time their foot slips;

for the day of their disaster is near,

and the impending judgment is rushing upon them!”

32:36 The Lord will judge his people,

and will change his plans concerning his servants;

when he sees that their power has disappeared,

and that no one is left, whether confined or set free.

Job 35:14

35:14 How much less, then,

when you say that you do not perceive him,

that the case is before him

and you are waiting for him!

Micah 7:9

7:9 I must endure the Lord’s anger,

for I have sinned against him.

But then he will defend my cause,

and accomplish justice on my behalf.

He will lead me out into the light;

I will experience firsthand his deliverance.

Malachi 3:18

3:18 Then once more you will see that I make a distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between the one who serves God and the one who does not.

Malachi 3:2

3:2 Who can endure the day of his coming? Who can keep standing when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire, like a launderer’s soap.

Malachi 3:8-10

3:8 Can a person rob God? You indeed are robbing me, but you say, ‘How are we robbing you?’ In tithes and contributions! 3:9 You are bound for judgment because you are robbing me – this whole nation is guilty.

3:10 “Bring the entire tithe into the storehouse so that there may be food in my temple. Test me in this matter,” says the Lord who rules over all, “to see if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until there is no room for it all.

Revelation 15:3-4

15:3 They sang the song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the Lamb:

“Great and astounding are your deeds,

Lord God, the All-Powerful!

Just and true are your ways,

King over the nations!

15:4 Who will not fear you, O Lord,

and glorify your name, because you alone are holy?

All nations will come and worship before you

for your righteous acts have been revealed.”