Revelation 11:5-6
11:5 If
anyone wants to harm them, fire comes out of their mouths
and completely consumes
their enemies. If
anyone wants to harm them, they must be killed this way.
11:6 These two have the power
to close up the sky so that it does not rain during the time
they are prophesying. They
have power
to turn the waters to blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague whenever they want.
Revelation 16:10
16:10 Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast so that darkness covered his kingdom, and people began to bite their tongues because of their pain.
Revelation 16:1
The Bowls of God’s Wrath
16:1 Then I heard a loud voice from the temple declaring to the seven angels: “Go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls containing God’s wrath.”
Revelation 18:17
18:17 because in a single hour such great wealth has been destroyed!”
And every ship’s captain, and all who sail along the coast – seamen, and all who make their living from the sea, stood a long way off
Revelation 21:20
21:20 the fifth onyx,
the sixth carnelian,
the seventh chrysolite,
the eighth beryl,
the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase,
the eleventh jacinth,
and the twelfth amethyst.
Revelation 22:8
22:8 I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things, and when I heard and saw them, I threw myself down to worship at the feet of the angel who was showing them to me.
Revelation 22:18
22:18 I testify to the one who hears the words of the prophecy contained in this book: If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book.
Jeremiah 38:4
38:4 So these officials said to the king, “This man must be put to death. For he is demoralizing
the soldiers who are left in the city as well as all the other people there by these things he is saying.
man is not seeking to help these people but is trying to harm them.”
John 7:7
7:7 The world cannot hate you, but it hates me, because I am testifying about it that its deeds are evil.
Acts 5:33
5:33 Now when they heard this, they became furious and wanted to execute them.
Acts 7:54-57
Stephen is Killed
7:54 When they heard these things, they became furious and ground their teeth at him.
7:55 But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked intently toward heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God.
7:56 “Look!” he said. “I see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!”
7:57 But they covered their ears, shouting out with a loud voice, and rushed at him with one intent.
Acts 17:5-6
17:5 But the Jews became jealous,
and gathering together some worthless men from the rabble in the marketplace,
they formed a mob
and set the city in an uproar.
They attacked Jason’s house,
trying to find Paul and Silas
to bring them out to the assembly.
17:6 When they did not find them, they dragged
Jason and some of the brothers before the city officials,
screaming, “These people who have stirred up trouble
throughout the world
have come here too,