Revelation 19:1-3

19:1 After these things I heard what sounded like the loud voice of a vast throng in heaven, saying,

“Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God,

19:2 because his judgments are true and just.

For he has judged the great prostitute

who corrupted the earth with her sexual immorality,

and has avenged the blood of his servants poured out by her own hands!”

19:3 Then a second time the crowd shouted, “Hallelujah!” The smoke rises from her forever and ever.

Jude 1:1


1:1 From Jude, a slave of Jesus Christ and brother of James, to those who are called, wrapped in the love of God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ.

Psalms 48:11

48:11 Mount Zion rejoices;

the towns of Judah are happy,

because of your acts of judgment.

Psalms 58:10

58:10 The godly will rejoice when they see vengeance carried out;

they will bathe their feet in the blood of the wicked.

Psalms 96:11-13

96:11 Let the sky rejoice, and the earth be happy!

Let the sea and everything in it shout!

96:12 Let the fields and everything in them celebrate!

Then let the trees of the forest shout with joy

96:13 before the Lord, for he comes!

For he comes to judge the earth!

He judges the world fairly,

and the nations in accordance with his justice.

Psalms 107:42

107:42 When the godly see this, they rejoice,

and every sinner shuts his mouth.

Psalms 109:28

109:28 They curse, but you will bless.

When they attack, they will be humiliated,

but your servant will rejoice.

Proverbs 11:10

11:10 When the righteous do well, the city rejoices;

when the wicked perish, there is joy.

Isaiah 44:23

44:23 Shout for joy, O sky, for the Lord intervenes;

shout out, you subterranean regions of the earth.

O mountains, give a joyful shout;

you too, O forest and all your trees!

For the Lord protects Jacob;

he reveals his splendor through Israel.

Isaiah 49:13

49:13 Shout for joy, O sky!

Rejoice, O earth!

Let the mountains give a joyful shout!

For the Lord consoles his people

and shows compassion to the oppressed.

Jeremiah 51:47-48

51:47 “So the time will certainly come

when I will punish the idols of Babylon.

Her whole land will be put to shame.

All her mortally wounded will collapse in her midst.

51:48 Then heaven and earth and all that is in them

will sing for joy over Babylon.

For destroyers from the north will attack it,”

says the Lord.