Revelation 2:18

To the Church in Thyatira

2:18 “To the angel of the church in Thyatira write the following:

“This is the solemn pronouncement of the Son of God, the one who has eyes like a fiery flame and whose feet are like polished bronze:

Ezekiel 1:7

1:7 Their legs were straight, but the soles of their feet were like calves’ feet. They gleamed like polished bronze.

Ezekiel 40:3

40:3 When he brought me there, I saw a man whose appearance was like bronze, with a linen cord and a measuring stick in his hand. He was standing in the gateway.

Daniel 10:6

10:6 His body resembled yellow jasper, and his face had an appearance like lightning. His eyes were like blazing torches; his arms and feet had the gleam of polished bronze. His voice thundered forth like the sound of a large crowd.