Romans 15:24
15:24 when I go to Spain. For I hope to visit you when I pass through and that you will help me
on my journey there, after I have enjoyed your company for a while.
Philippians 1:25-26
1:25 And since I am sure of this, I know that I will remain and continue with all of you for the sake of your progress
and joy in the faith,
1:26 so that what you can be proud of may increase
because of me in Christ Jesus, when I come back to you.
Philippians 2:24
2:24 though I am confident in the Lord that I too will be coming to see you
Hebrews 13:23
13:23 You should know that
our brother Timothy has been released. If he comes soon, he will be with me when I see you.
Hebrews 13:2
13:2 Do not neglect hospitality, because through it some have entertained angels without knowing it.
Hebrews 1:12
1:12 and like a robe you will fold them up
and like a garment they will be changed,
but you are the same and your years will never run out.”
Hebrews 1:3
1:3 The Son is
the radiance of his glory and the representation of his essence, and he sustains all things by his powerful word,
and so when he had accomplished cleansing for sins,
he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.
Hebrews 1:14
1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to serve those
who will inherit salvation?