Romans 2:7
2:7 eternal life to those who by perseverance in good works seek glory and honor and immortality,
Romans 9:23
9:23 And what if he is willing to make known the wealth of his glory on the objects
of mercy that he has prepared beforehand for glory –
Romans 9:2
9:2 I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart.
Colossians 4:17
4:17 And tell Archippus, “See to it that you complete the ministry you received in the Lord.”
Colossians 1:27
1:27 God wanted to make known to them the glorious
riches of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Colossians 1:2
1:2 to the saints, the faithful
brothers and sisters
in Christ, at Colossae. Grace and peace to you
from God our Father!
Colossians 2:14
2:14 He has destroyed
what was against us, a certificate of indebtedness
expressed in decrees opposed to us. He has taken it away by nailing it to the cross.
Colossians 2:1
2:1 For I want you to know how great a struggle I have for you, and for those in Laodicea, and for those who have not met me face to face.
Colossians 1:10
1:10 so that you may live
worthily of the Lord and please him in all respects
– bearing fruit in every good deed, growing in the knowledge of God,