The Song of Songs 2:3

The Beloved about Her Lover:

2:3 Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest,

so is my beloved among the young men.

I delight to sit in his shade,

and his fruit is sweet to my taste.

The Song of Songs 3:1-4

The Lost Lover is Found

The Beloved about Her Lover:

3:1 All night long on my bed

I longed for my lover.

I longed for him but he never appeared.

3:2 “I will arise and look all around throughout the town,

and throughout the streets and squares;

I will search for my beloved.”

I searched for him but I did not find him.

3:3 The night watchmen found me – the ones who guard the city walls.

“Have you seen my beloved?”

3:4 Scarcely had I passed them by

when I found my beloved!

I held onto him tightly and would not let him go

until I brought him to my mother’s house,

to the bedroom chamber of the one who conceived me.

The Song of Songs 5:8

The Triumph of Love: The Beloved Praises Her Lover

The Beloved to the Maidens:

5:8 O maidens of Jerusalem, I command you –

If you find my beloved, what will you tell him?

Tell him that I am lovesick!

The Song of Songs 5:10

The Beloved to the Maidens:

5:10 My beloved is dazzling and ruddy;

he stands out in comparison to all other men.

The Song of Songs 5:16

5:16 His mouth is very sweet;

he is totally desirable.

This is my beloved!

This is my companion, O maidens of Jerusalem!

Psalms 18:1

Psalm 18

For the music director; by the Lord’s servant David, who sang to the Lord the words of this song when the Lord rescued him from the power of all his enemies, including Saul.

18:1 He said:

“I love you, Lord, my source of strength!

Psalms 116:1

Psalm 116

116:1 I love the Lord

because he heard my plea for mercy,

Isaiah 5:1

A Love Song Gone Sour

5:1 I will sing to my love –

a song to my lover about his vineyard.

My love had a vineyard

on a fertile hill.

Isaiah 26:9

26:9 I look for you during the night,

my spirit within me seeks you at dawn,

for when your judgments come upon the earth,

those who live in the world learn about justice.

Matthew 10:37

10:37 “Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

John 21:17

21:17 Jesus said a third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was distressed that Jesus asked him a third time, “Do you love me?” and said, “Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you.” Jesus replied, “Feed my sheep.

John 21:1

Jesus’ Appearance to the Disciples in Galilee

21:1 After this Jesus revealed himself again to the disciples by the Sea of Tiberias. Now this is how he did so.

John 1:8

1:8 He himself was not the light, but he came to testify about the light.

John 2:7

2:7 Jesus told the servants, “Fill the water jars with water.” So they filled them up to the very top.