The Song of Songs 3:3

3:3 The night watchmen found me – the ones who guard the city walls.

“Have you seen my beloved?”

Isaiah 6:10-11

6:10 Make the hearts of these people calloused;

make their ears deaf and their eyes blind!

Otherwise they might see with their eyes and hear with their ears,

their hearts might understand and they might repent and be healed.”

6:11 I replied, “How long, sovereign master?” He said,

“Until cities are in ruins and unpopulated,

and houses are uninhabited,

and the land is ruined and devastated,

Hosea 9:7-8

9:7 The time of judgment is about to arrive!

The time of retribution is imminent!

Let Israel know!

Israel Rejects Hosea’s Prophetic Exhortations

The prophet is considered a fool

the inspired man is viewed as a madman

because of the multitude of your sins

and your intense animosity.

9:8 The prophet is a watchman over Ephraim on behalf of God,

yet traps are laid for him along all of his paths;

animosity rages against him in the land of his God.

Acts 20:29-30

20:29 I know that after I am gone fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. 20:30 Even from among your own group men will arise, teaching perversions of the truth to draw the disciples away after them.

Acts 20:2

20:2 After he had gone through those regions and spoken many words of encouragement to the believers there, he came to Greece,

Colossians 1:13

1:13 He delivered us from the power of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of the Son he loves,