1:10 On that day,” says the Lord,
“a loud cry will go up
wailing from the city’s newer district,
and a loud crash
22:4 So I say:
“Don’t look at me!
I am weeping bitterly.
Don’t try
concerning the destruction of my defenseless people.”
22:5 For the sovereign master,
has planned a day of panic, defeat, and confusion.
In the Valley of Vision
and cry out to the hill.
66:6 The sound of battle comes from the city;
the sound comes from the temple!
It is the sound of the Lord paying back his enemies.
25:36 Listen to the cries of anguish of the leaders.
Listen to the wails of the shepherds of the flocks.
They are wailing because the Lord
is about to destroy their lands.
2:11 The voice of the Lord thunders
Indeed, his warriors
Surely his command is carried out!
Yes, the day of the Lord is awesome
and very terrifying – who can survive
3:16 The Lord roars from Zion;
from Jerusalem
The heavens
But the Lord is a refuge for his people;
he is a stronghold for the citizens
3:1 (4:1)
I will return the exiles
1:16 Our food has been cut off right before our eyes!
There is no longer any joy or gladness in the temple of our God!