NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Genesis 14:1--16:16

Abram : the son of Terah of Shem

Admah : a town destroyed with Sodom
(31° 7´, 35° 24´)

Amalekites : members of the nation of Amalek
(30° 39´, 34° 50´); (31° 42´, 35° 12´); (31° 42´, 35° 12´)

Amorite : members of a pre-Israel Semitic tribe from Mesopotamia

Amorites : members of a pre-Israel Semitic tribe from Mesopotamia

Amraphel : king of Shinar in the days of Abraham

Aner : an Amorite chief who was an ally of Abram,a town in the territory of Manasseh given to the Kohathites
(32° 31´, 35° 12´)

Arioch : king of Ellasar, a town in Mesopotamia,the captain of the Nebuchadnezzar's guard

Ashteroth-karnaim : a town of Manasseh about 35 km east of the sea of Chinnereth
(32° 49´, 36° 0´); (32° 45´, 36° 0´); (32° 49´, 36° 0´)

Ashteroth-Karnaim : a town of Manasseh about 35 km east of the sea of Chinnereth
(32° 49´, 36° 0´); (32° 45´, 36° 0´); (32° 49´, 36° 0´)

Beer-lahai-roi : name of a well that lies between Kadesh and Bered
(30° 41´, 34° 29´)

Beer-Lahai-Roi : name of a well that lies between Kadesh and Bered
(30° 41´, 34° 29´)

Bela : a town near the south end of the Dead Sea,son of Beor; first king of Edom,son of Benjamin son of Israel,son of Azaz; a leader in the tribe of Reuben
(30° 55´, 35° 25´)

Bera : king of Sodom in Abraham's time

Bered : a town near Kadesh (OS),son of Shuletha son of Ephraim
(30° 41´, 34° 29´)

Birsha : king of Gomorrah in Abraham's time

Canaan : the region ofeast Mediterranean coastal land from Arvad (modern Lebanon) south to Gaza,the coast land from Mt. Carmel north to the Orontes River
(31° 41´, 34° 50´); (33° 33´, 35° 21´)

Canaanite : residents of the region of Canaan
(31° 41´, 34° 50´); (33° 33´, 35° 21´)

Ched-Or-Laomer : king of Elam in the time of Abraham

Damascus : a city-state in Syria, located near Mt. Hermon at the edge of the Syrian desert (OS),a town near Mt. Hermon at the edge of the Syrian desert (OS)
(33° 31´, 36° 18´)

Dan : residents of the town of Dan; members of the tribe of Dan,the tribe of Dan as a whole; the descendants of Dan in Israel
(33° 14´, 35° 39´); (31° 45´, 34° 59´)

Egypt : descendants of Mizraim
(30° 6´, 31° 20´); (30° 6´, 31° 20´)

Egyptians : descendants of Mizraim
(30° 6´, 31° 20´); (30° 6´, 31° 20´)

El-Paran : a place (town?) at edge of the wilderness, see Gen. 21:21,a town on the wilderness border of the land of Seir
(29° 9´, 33° 32´)

El-paran : a place (town?) at edge of the wilderness, see Gen. 21:21,a town on the wilderness border of the land of Seir
(29° 9´, 33° 32´)

Elam : son of Shem son of Noah,a country east of the Tigris and Babylon in the territory of Media,son of Shashak of Benjamin,son of Meshelemiah; a Levite gatekeeper,a man whose descendants returned from exile in Babylon; Elam I,forefather of exile returnees with Zerubbabel; Elam II,forefather of returnees headed by Jeshaiah,forefather of Shecaniah who had to put away his heathen wife,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to obey God's law,a priest who helped Nehemiah dedicate the new wall of Jerusalem
(32° 11´, 48° 15´)

Eliezer : a son of Jorim; the father of Joshua; an ancestor of Jesus,Abraham's servant from Damascus,son of Moses,son of Becher son of Benjamin,a priest in David's time,son of Zichri; David's chief officer over the Reubenites,son of Dodavahu of Mareshah who prophesied against Jehoshaphat.,one of the leaders Ezra sent to Iddo to ask for recruits,a priest of the Jeshua clan who put away his heathen wife,a man who put away his heathen wife; a Levite,a layman of the Harim clan who put away his heathen wife

Ellasar : a town in Mesopotamia
(37° 3´, 40° 59´)

Emim : a tall people who lived east of the Jordan before Israel came

Enmishpat : an oasis 100 km south of Gaza & 120 km NNW of Ezion-Geber
(30° 41´, 34° 29´)

Eshcol : brother of Mamre and Aner, Amorites who were allies of Abraham,a valley near Hebron, presumably where Eshcol once lived

Euphrates : a large river which joins the Tigris river before flowing into the Persian Gulf,a river flowing from eastern Turkey to the Persian Gulf
(31° 46´, 35° 14´); (35° 5´, 40° 25´); (33° 14´, 33° 28´)

Girgashite : members of a clan of Canaan

Goiim : a country defeated by Abraham,a country or town defeated by Joshua

Gomorrah : an ancient city known for its sin whose ruins are said to be visible from the Masada,a town destroyed with Sodom by burning sulphur
(31° 9´, 35° 28´)

Hagar : wife of Abraham used figuratively of her son Ishmael and his descendants,Sarah's Egyptian maid

Ham : a man and nation; son of Noah,a country occupied by the descendants of Ham
(31° 57´, 35° 55´); (30° 6´, 31° 20´)

Hazazon-tamar : an oasis town in the desert of Judah by the Dead Sea
(31° 23´, 34° 56´); (31° 27´, 35° 23´)

Hazazon-Tamar : an oasis town in the desert of Judah by the Dead Sea
(31° 23´, 34° 56´); (31° 27´, 35° 23´)

Hebrew : a person descended from Heber; an ancient Jew; a Hebrew speaking Jew,any Jew, but particularly one who spoke the Hebrew language

Hittite : a person/people living in the land of Syro-Palestine

Hobah : a place north of Damascus to which Abraham pursued his enemies
(33° 30´, 36° 28´)

Horite : resident(s) of the region of Mount Seir

Ishmael : son of Abraham and Hagar,father of Zebadiah, governor of Judah under Jehoshaphat,son of Azel of Benjamin,son of Jehohanan,a priest of the Pashur clan who put away his heathen wife,son of Nethaniah; a militia leader who assasinated Gedaliah

Jebusite : resident(s) of the town of Jebus (Jerusalem)
(31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´)

Kadesh : an oasis 100 km south of Gaza & 120 km NNW of Ezion-Geber, where Israel made an encampment
(30° 41´, 34° 29´); (34° 33´, 36° 31´)

Kadmonites : residents of the region east of Judah

Kenite : resident(s) of the southeastern hill country of Judah

Kenizzite : resident(s) of the region of Judah before conquest

Lot : a son of Haran; nephew of Abraham,son of Haran son of Terah; nephew of Abraham

Mamre : a place where Abraham camped, probably a few km north of Hebron,an Amorite chief who was Abraham's ally, with Eshcol and Aner
(31° 32´, 35° 5´)

Melchizedek : the king of Salem who blessed Abraham and received his tithe,king of Salem who blessed Abraham and received his tithe

Perizzite : a people of ancient Canaan in the later territory of Ephraim

Rephaim : a tall ancient people in the land east of the Jordan,a fertile valley on the boundary of Judah and Benjamin (OS)
(32° 48´, 35° 56´)

Salem : the city of Jerusalem,a town where Melchizedek lived
(31° 46´, 35° 14´)

Salt Sea : the Dead Sea, at the southern end of the Jordan River
(33° 14´, 33° 28´); (30° 5´, 31° 13´); (27° 5´, 34° 46´); (31° 32´, 35° 28´); (27° 5´, 34° 46´); (31° 32´, 35° 28´); (31° 1´, 33° 51´)

Sarai : a layman of the Binnui Clan who put away his heathen wife

Seir : a mountain and adjoining land,a man from the highlands of Seir (OS); father-in-law of Esau
(30° 44´, 35° 36´)

Shaveh : a valley or plain near Jerusalem

Shaveh-kiriathaim : a region: plains of Kiriathaim (NASB margin)
(31° 35´, 35° 42´)

Shaveh-Kiriathaim : a region: plains of Kiriathaim (NASB margin)
(31° 35´, 35° 42´)

Shemeber : the king of Zeboiim in Abraham's time

Shinab : the king of Admah in Abraham's time

Shinar : a region including Babylonia and Babel, Erech, and Accad (OS)
(32° 32´, 44° 25´)

Shur : the wilderness region in the NW part of the Sinai isthmus
(30° 14´, 33° 14´)

Siddim : a valley somewhere at the southern end of the Dead Sea

Sodom : an ancient town somewhere in the region of the Dead Sea that God destroyed with burning sulphur,a town 25 km south of Gomorrah and Masada
(31° 11´, 35° 23´)

Tidal : the king of Goiim defeated by Abraham

Ur : a town of lower Mesopotamia about 230 km SE of old Babylon,father of Eliphal / Eliphelet, one of David's military elite
(30° 57´, 46° 6´)

Zeboiim : a town destroyed along with Sodom by raining hot sulphur
(31° 7´, 35° 24´)

Zoar : a town at the south end of the Dead Sea
(30° 55´, 35° 25´)

Zuzim : a tall ancient people who lived east of the Jordan

Genesis 2:4-12

Eden : a place near where the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers meet (NIVsn),son of Joah (Gershon Levi) in King Hezekiah's time,a district along the Euphrates River south of Haran (NIVsn)
(33° 31´, 36° 18´); (32° 35´, 35° 10´); (32° 12´, 35° 16´); (40° 3´, 45° 2´)

Havilah : son of Cush son of Ham son of Noah,son of Joktan of Shem,a region encircled by the Pishon River,a place whose exact position is unknown
(30° 8´, 35° 13´)

Pishon : a river that ran through the Garden of Eden

Genesis 8:2-8

Ararat : a mountain, the surrounding land, & a kingdom in the area
(39° 42´, 44° 17´)

Noah : a son of Lamech and the father of Shem, Ham, and Japheth,son of Lamech; builder of the ark,daughter of Zelophehad

Genesis 8:19

There is no Names related to this verses.

Isaiah 40:1-2

Jerusalem : the capital city of Israel,a town; the capital of Israel near the southern border of Benjamin
(31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´)

Jeremiah 29:10

Babylon : a country of Babylon in lower Mesopotamia
(32° 32´, 44° 25´); (32° 32´, 44° 25´); (32° 32´, 44° 25´); (30° 57´, 46° 6´)

Jeremiah 30:10-22

Israel : a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel

Jacob : the second so of a pair of twins born to Isaac and Rebeccaa; ancestor of the 12 tribes of Israel,the nation of Israel,a person, male,son of Isaac; Israel the man and nation

Zion : one of the hills on which Jerusalem was built; the temple area; the city of Jerusalem; God's people,a town and citidel; an ancient part of Jerusalem
(31° 46´, 35° 14´)

Jeremiah 31:3-14

Ephraim : the tribe of Ephraim as a whole,the northern kingdom of Israel
(31° 57´, 35° 17´)

Israel : a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel

Jacob : the second so of a pair of twins born to Isaac and Rebeccaa; ancestor of the 12 tribes of Israel,the nation of Israel,a person, male,son of Isaac; Israel the man and nation

Samaria : residents of the district of Samaria
(32° 16´, 35° 11´)

Zion : one of the hills on which Jerusalem was built; the temple area; the city of Jerusalem; God's people,a town and citidel; an ancient part of Jerusalem
(31° 46´, 35° 14´)

Amos 9:11-15

David : a son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel,son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel

Edom : resident(s) of the region of Edom
(34° 50´, 39° 7´); (33° 12´, 36° 30´); (35° 5´, 42° 0´); (30° 44´, 35° 36´); (32° 32´, 44° 25´); (33° 31´, 36° 18´)

Israel : a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel

Zephaniah 3:14-20

Israel : a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel

Jerusalem : the capital city of Israel,a town; the capital of Israel near the southern border of Benjamin
(31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´)

Zion : one of the hills on which Jerusalem was built; the temple area; the city of Jerusalem; God's people,a town and citidel; an ancient part of Jerusalem
(31° 46´, 35° 14´)

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