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1 Samuel 21:1


Nob <05011> [Nob.]

Nob appears to have been a sacerdotal city of Benjamin or Ephraim. Jerome says, that in his time the ruins of it might be seen not far from Diospolis or Lydda. But the Rabbins assert that Jerusalem might be seen from this town. The tabernacle resided some time at Nob; and after it was destroyed, it was removed to Gibeon; "and the day of Nob and Gibeon were fifty-seven years." Maimonides in Bethhabbechirah, c. 1.

Ahimelech ...... Ahimelech <0288> [to Ahimelech.]

[called Ahiah.]

[called also Abiathar.]

shaking with fear <02729> [afraid.]

1 Samuel 22:9-23


Doeg <01673> [Doeg.]

He is also said to be "the chiefest of the herdsmen that belonged to Saul;" and the Septuagint intimates that he was over the mules of Saul. He may have been what we call the king's equerry or groom.

Ahimelech <0288> [Ahimelech.]

Ahitub <0285> [Ahitub.]


inquired <07592> [he enquired.]

provisions <06720> [him victuals.]


Then .... arranged <07971 07121> [sent to call.]


son <01121> [thou son.]

lord <0113> [Here I am. Heb. Behold me.]


conspired <07194> [Why have.]


faithful <0539> [And who.]

king .............. king's <04428> [the king's.]

<05493> [goeth.]


today <03117> [Did I then.]

He seems to intimate, that his enquiring now for David was no new thing, having often done so before, without ever being informed it was wrong in itself or displeasing to the king.

[the servant.]

whole or ... part <01419 06996> [less or more. Heb. little or great.]


surely die <04191> [Thou shalt.]

father's <01> [thou, and.]


messengers <07323> [footmen. or, guard. Heb. runners.]

kill ... priests ............................... priests <03548 04191> [slay the priests.]

refused ... harm <014 07971> [would not.]


Doeg .......... Doeg <01673> [Doeg.]


strike ........... struck down <06293> [he fell.]

eighty-five <08084> [fourscore.]

The LXX. read, [tria kosious kai pente andras,] "three hundred and five men;" and Josephus, "three hundred and eighty-five men." Probably the eighty-five were priests and the three hundred the families of the priests; three hundred and eighty-five being the whole population of Nob.

linen ephod <0906 0646> [a linen ephod.]


Nob <05011> [Nob.]

men <0376> [men.]

<06310> [with the edge.]

This is one of the worst acts of Saul's life: his malice was implacable, and his wrath cruel; and there is no motive of justice or policy by which such a barbarous massacre can be justified.


one <0259> [one.]

But one .......... escaped <04422> [escaped.]


guilty <05437> [I have occasioned.]


seeks ..... seeking <01245> [he that seeketh.]

secure <04931> [but with me.]

1 Samuel 22:2


in trouble <04689> [distress.]

[was in debt. Heb. had a creditor.]

discontented <04751> [discontented. Heb. bitter of soul.]

leader <08269> [a captain.]

1 Samuel 8:17

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