2 Samuel 15:12
Ahithophel <0302> [Ahithophel.]
David's <01732> [David's.]
Giloh <01542> [Giloh.]
offering <02076> [while he offered.]
people <05971> [the people.]
2 Samuel 16:15
Absalom <053> [Absalom.]
2 Samuel 17:11-13
Israel <03478> [all Israel.]
sand <02344> [as the sand.]
lead <01980> [thou go. Heb. they face, or presence, go, etc. in thine.]
wherever ................................... one <04725 0259> [in some place.]
<05168> [we will light.]
This is a very beautiful and expressive figure. The dew in Palestine, and other warm climates, falls fast, sudden, and heavy; and it falls upon every spot of earth, so that not a blade of grass escapes it. It is therefore no inapt emblem of a numerous and active army; and it was, perhaps, for this reason that the Romans called their light armed forces {rorarii.}
take up ropes <05375 02256> [bring ropes.]
In the same manner the king of Maturan, in Java, proposed pulling down a tower which the Dutch had built, by making his people and elephants pull at a number of chains, and ropes of cocoa-nut bark, thrown around it.
pebble <01571 06872> [one small.]
Matthew 27:25
his <846> [His.]
said ........ and <2036 2532> [and.]