Acts 10:26
- Peter Visits Cornelius (Acts 10:23-48)
St. Peter preaching, the Holy Spirit descends upon Cornelius and his family
St. Peter and Cornelius the centurion
Baptism of a centurion, The
St. Peter in the house of Cornelius
Revelation 19:19
- The Rider on the White Horse (Revelation 19:11-21)
And I saw an angel standing in the sun
Whore of Babylon, The
Angel of light, The
Christ on a white horse
(34 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Revelation 19
Revelation 22:9
- Come, Lord Jesus! (Revelation 22:7-21)
Veni, Domine Jesu
Let everyone who is thirsty come
Alpha and Omega, The
Invitation of the bride