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Deuteronomy 4:6-8


wise <02451> [this is your.]

great <01419> [Surely.]


nation <01471> [what nation.]

god .......... God <0430> [who hath.]


Deuteronomy 4:32-38


ask .... distant ...... day <07592 03117> [ask now.]

end ...... other <07097> [from the one.]



deliver ... nation ....... nation <03947 01471> [take him.]

judgments <04531> [temptations.]

signs <0226> [by signs.]

power <02389> [by a mighty.]

very <01419> [and by great.]


alone <03045> [know.]

other <05750> [none else.]



loved <0157> [because.]

brought ... out <03318> [and brought.]

<06440> [in his sight.]

great <01419> [with his.]


dispossess <03423> [drive.]

day <03117> [as.]

Joshua 2:9-11


know <03045> [I know.]

Lord <03068> [that the Lord.]

absolutely terrified <0367> [your terror.]

cringing <04127> [faint. Heb. melt.]


heard <08085> [For we.]

<06213> [what ye did.]


lost ... courage <03824> [our hearts.]

<06965> [did there remain. Heb. rose up.]

Lord <03068> [for the Lord.]

Joshua 9:6-9


camp <04264> [the camp.]

come <0935> [We be.]

Make ... treaty <03772 01285> [make ye.]

{Kirthoo lanoo berith,} "cut or divide with us a covenant," or rather the covenant sacrifice offered on these occasions. (See Note on De 29:12.)


Hivites <02340> [Hivites.]

make <03772> [how shall.]



very <03966> [From a.]

reputation <08034> [because.]

heard <08085> [we have.]

Joshua 9:1


kings <04428> [all the kings.]

side <05676> [on this.]

Mediterranean <01419> [of the great.]

Lebanon <03844> [Lebanon.]

Hittites <02850> [Hittite.]

Joshua 10:1-13



did <06213> [as he had.]

people <03427> [how the.]


terrified <03372> [they feared.]

Gibeon <01391> [Gibeon.]

Gibeon was situated on an eminence, as its name imports, 40 furlongs north from Jerusalem, according to Josephus.

city ...... royal cities <05892 04467> [the royal cities. Heb. cities of the kingdom.]


King .... Jerusalem ...... King ..... King ..... King ...... King <04428 03389> [king of Jerusalem.]

Hebron <02275> [Hebron.]

Hebron was situated on an eminence, 20 miles south of Jerusalem, and the same distance north of Beersheba. It is now called El Khalil, "the well-beloved," the usual epithet which the Turks and Arabs apply to Abraham, whose sepulchral cave they still shew; over which St. Helena built a magnificent church. Its original site was on an eminence, at the southern foot of which the present village is pleasantly situated, on which are the remains of an ancient castle, its sole defence.

Lachish <03923> [Lachish.]


aid <05826> [and help.]

attack <05221> [we may.]



camp <04264> [to the camp.]

abandon <07503> [Slack.]

subjects <05650> [from thy.]

hill country <02022> [mountains.]




night <03915> [all night.]


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

Gibeon <01391> [at Gibeon.]

Beth Horon <01032> [Beth-horon.]

Azekah <05825> [Azekah.]

Makkedah <04719> [Makkedah.]


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]


sun <08121> [Sun.]

Joshua doubtless acted, on this occasion, by an immediate impulse upon his mind from the Spirit of God. The terms here employed to record the miracle, agree with the accustomed manner in which the the motions of the earth and sun are described in our own day. The sun apparently moves, but really is stationary; while the diurnal movement of the earth on its axis is by us unnoticed, and would not have been known except by astronomical science. The sun appeared to the Israelites over Gibeon, and the moon over the valley of Ajalon, and there they stayed in their course for "a whole day." Many vain enquiries have been made concerning the way in which this miracle was wrought, and many difficulties and objections have been urged against understanding it literally. But the fact is authenticated by the Divine testimony; and the manner in which it was accomplished lies entirely out of our province, because beyond our comprehension.

still <01826> [stand thou. Heb. be silent.]

Aijalon <0357> [Ajalon.]



nation <01471> [until.]

Upright <03477> [Jasher. or, the upright.]

sun ............................. sun <08121> [So the sun.]

Joshua 10:24


put ... feet ............. put ... feet <07760 07272> [put your feet.]

Joshua 10:2


terrified <03372> [they feared.]

Gibeon <01391> [Gibeon.]

Gibeon was situated on an eminence, as its name imports, 40 furlongs north from Jerusalem, according to Josephus.

city ...... royal cities <05892 04467> [the royal cities. Heb. cities of the kingdom.]

Joshua 2:11-12


lost ... courage <03824> [our hearts.]

<06965> [did there remain. Heb. rose up.]

Lord <03068> [for the Lord.]


promise ..... an oath <07650> [swear.]

shown ..... show <06213> [that ye will.]

family <01> [my father's.]

Give .... solemn <05414 0571> [give me.]

Joshua 2:2


king ...... report <04428 0559> [told the king.]

Joshua 9:23


condemned <0779> [cursed.]

This may refer to the original curse pronounced against the descendants of Canaan: both of them seem to have implied nothing else than perpetual slavery. The Gibeonites were brought, no doubt, under tribute; performed the meanest offices for the Israelites; being in the same condition as the servile class of Hindoos, called the {Chetrees;} had their national importance annihilated, and yet were never permitted to incorporate themselves with the Israelites.

[See on]

perpetual <03772> [none of you be freed. Heb. not be cut off from you. hewers.]

In the East, collecting wood for fuel, and carrying water, are the peculiar employment of females. The Arab women of Barbary, and the daughters of the Turcomans, are thus employed. Hence Mr. Harmer concludes, that the bitterness of the doom of the Gibeonites does not seem to have consisted in the labouriousness of the service enjoined them, but its disgracing them from the characteristic employment of men, that of bearing arms, and condemning them and their posterity for ever to the employment of females.

Lamentations 2:15


The combination of scorn, enmity, rage, and exultation, which the conquerors and spectators manifested at the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, are here described with peculiar pathos and energy. The whole scene is presented to view as in an exquisitely finished historical painting.

passed <05674> [that pass.]

Samek <05606> [by. Heb. by the way. clap.]

sneered <08319> [they.]

shook <05128> [wag.]

city <05892> [Is this.]

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