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Deuteronomy 12:5

12:5 But you must seek only the place he 1  chooses from all your tribes to establish his name as his place of residence, 2  and you must go there.

Deuteronomy 12:14

12:14 for you may do so 3  only in the place the Lord chooses in one of your tribal areas – there you may do everything I am commanding you. 4 

Deuteronomy 12:18

12:18 Only in the presence of the Lord your God may you eat these, in the place he 5  chooses. This applies to you, your son, your daughter, your male and female servants, and the Levites 6  in your villages. In that place you will rejoice before the Lord your God in all the output of your labor. 7 

Deuteronomy 12:21

12:21 If the place he 8  chooses to locate his name is too far for you, you may slaughter any of your herd and flock he 9  has given you just as I have stipulated; you may eat them in your villages 10  just as you wish.

Deuteronomy 12:26

12:26 Only the holy things and votive offerings that belong to you, you must pick up and take to the place the Lord will choose. 11 

Deuteronomy 14:23

14:23 In the presence of the Lord your God you must eat from the tithe of your grain, your new wine, 12  your olive oil, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks in the place he chooses to locate his name, so that you may learn to revere the Lord your God always.

Deuteronomy 15:20

15:20 You and your household must eat them annually before the Lord your God in the place he 13  chooses.

Deuteronomy 16:2-8

16:2 You must sacrifice the Passover animal 14  (from the flock or the herd) to the Lord your God in the place where he 15  chooses to locate his name. 16:3 You must not eat any yeast with it; for seven days you must eat bread made without yeast, symbolic of affliction, for you came out of Egypt hurriedly. You must do this so you will remember for the rest of your life the day you came out of the land of Egypt. 16:4 There must not be a scrap of yeast within your land 16  for seven days, nor can any of the meat you sacrifice on the evening of the first day remain until the next morning. 17  16:5 You may not sacrifice the Passover in just any of your villages 18  that the Lord your God is giving you, 16:6 but you must sacrifice it 19  in the evening in 20  the place where he 21  chooses to locate his name, at sunset, the time of day you came out of Egypt. 16:7 You must cook 22  and eat it in the place the Lord your God chooses; you may return the next morning to your tents. 16:8 You must eat bread made without yeast for six days. The seventh day you are to hold an assembly for the Lord your God; you must not do any work on that day. 23 

Deuteronomy 17:8

Appeal to a Higher Court

17:8 If a matter is too difficult for you to judge – bloodshed, 24  legal claim, 25  or assault 26  – matters of controversy in your villages 27  – you must leave there and go up to the place the Lord your God chooses. 28 

Deuteronomy 18:6

18:6 Suppose a Levite comes by his own free will 29  from one of your villages, from any part of Israel where he is living, 30  to the place the Lord chooses

Deuteronomy 23:16

23:16 Indeed, he may live among you in any place he chooses, in whichever of your villages 31  he prefers; you must not oppress him.

Deuteronomy 26:2

26:2 you must take the first of all the ground’s produce you harvest from the land the Lord your God is giving you, place it in a basket, and go to the place where he 32  chooses to locate his name. 33 

Deuteronomy 31:11

31:11 when all Israel comes to appear before the Lord your God in the place he chooses, you must read this law before them 34  within their hearing.

Joshua 18:1

The Tribes Meet at Shiloh

18:1 The entire Israelite community assembled at Shiloh and there they set up the tent of meeting. 35  Though they had subdued the land, 36 

Joshua 18:1

The Tribes Meet at Shiloh

18:1 The entire Israelite community assembled at Shiloh and there they set up the tent of meeting. 37  Though they had subdued the land, 38 

Joshua 8:13

8:13 The army was in position – the main army north of the city and the rear guard west of the city. That night Joshua went into 39  the middle of the valley.

Joshua 8:29

8:29 He hung the king of Ai on a tree, leaving him exposed until evening. 40  At sunset Joshua ordered that his corpse be taken down from the tree. 41  They threw it down at the entrance of the city gate and erected over it a large pile of stones (it remains to this very day). 42 

Psalms 78:68


78:68 He chose the tribe of Judah,

and Mount Zion, which he loves.

Jeremiah 7:12

7:12 So, go to the place in Shiloh where I allowed myself to be worshiped 43  in the early days. See what I did to it 44  because of the wicked things my people Israel did.

John 4:20-23

4:20 Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, 45  and you people 46  say that the place where people must worship is in Jerusalem.” 47  4:21 Jesus said to her, “Believe me, woman, 48  a time 49  is coming when you will worship 50  the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 4:22 You people 51  worship what you do not know. We worship what we know, because salvation is from the Jews. 52  4:23 But a time 53  is coming – and now is here 54  – when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks 55  such people to be 56  his worshipers. 57 
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[12:5]  1 tn Heb “the Lord your God.” The pronoun has been used in the translation for stylistic reasons to avoid redundancy.

[12:5]  2 tc Some scholars, on the basis of v. 11, emend the MT reading שִׁכְנוֹ (shikhno, “his residence”) to the infinitive construct לְשָׁכֵן (lÿshakhen, “to make [his name] to dwell”), perhaps with the 3rd person masculine singular sf לְשַׁכְּנוֹ (lÿshakÿno, “to cause it to dwell”). Though the presupposed nounשֵׁכֶן (shekhen) is nowhere else attested, the parallel here with שַׁמָּה (shammah, “there”) favors retaining the MT as it stands.

[12:14]  3 tn Heb “offer burnt offerings.” The expression “do so” has been used in the translation for stylistic reasons to avoid redundancy.

[12:14]  4 sn This injunction to worship in a single and central sanctuary – one limited and appropriate to the thrice-annual festival celebrations (see Exod 23:14-17; 34:22-24; Lev 23:4-36; Deut 16:16-17) – marks a departure from previous times when worship was carried out at local shrines (cf. Gen 8:20; 12:7; 13:18; 22:9; 26:25; 35:1, 3, 7; Exod 17:15). Apart from the corporate worship of the whole theocratic community, however, worship at local altars would still be permitted as in the past (Deut 16:21; Judg 6:24-27; 13:19-20; 1 Sam 7:17; 10:5, 13; 2 Sam 24:18-25; 1 Kgs 18:30).

[12:18]  5 tn Heb “the Lord your God.” See note on “he” in 12:5.

[12:18]  6 tn See note at Deut 12:12.

[12:18]  7 tn Heb “in all the sending forth of your hands.”

[12:21]  8 tn Heb “the Lord your God.” See note on “he” in 12:5.

[12:21]  9 tn Heb “the Lord.” See note on “he” in 12:5.

[12:21]  10 tn Heb “gates” (so KJV, NASB); NAB “in your own community.”

[12:26]  11 tc Again, to complete a commonly attested wording the LXX adds after “choose” the phrase “to place his name there.” This shows insensitivity to deliberate departures from literary stereotypes. The MT reading is to be preferred.

[14:23]  12 tn This refers to wine in the early stages of fermentation. In its later stages it becomes wine (יַיִן, yayin) in its mature sense.

[15:20]  13 tn Heb “the Lord.” The translation uses a pronoun for stylistic reasons. See note on “he” in 15:4.

[16:2]  14 tn Heb “sacrifice the Passover” (so NASB). The word “animal” has been supplied in the translation for clarity.

[16:2]  15 tn Heb “the Lord.” See note on “he” in the previous verse.

[16:4]  16 tn Heb “leaven must not be seen among you in all your border.”

[16:4]  17 tn Heb “remain all night until the morning” (so KJV, ASV). This has been simplified in the translation for stylistic reasons.

[16:5]  18 tn Heb “gates.”

[16:6]  19 tn Heb “the Passover.” The translation uses a pronoun to avoid redundancy in English.

[16:6]  20 tc The MT reading אֶל (’el, “unto”) before “the place” should, following Smr, Syriac, Targums, and Vulgate, be omitted in favor of ב (bet; בַּמָּקוֹם, bammaqom), “in the place.”

[16:6]  21 tn Heb “the Lord your God.” See note on “he” in 16:1.

[16:7]  22 tn The rules that governed the Passover meal are found in Exod 12:1-51, and Deut 16:1-8. The word translated “cook” (בָּשַׁל, bashal) here is translated “boil” in other places (e.g. Exod 23:19, 1 Sam 2:13-15). This would seem to contradict Exod 12:9 where the Israelites are told not to eat the Passover sacrifice raw or boiled. However, 2 Chr 35:13 recounts the celebration of a Passover feast during the reign of Josiah, and explains that the people “cooked (בָּשַׁל, bashal) the Passover sacrifices over the open fire.” The use of בָּשַׁל (bashal) with “fire” (אֵשׁ, ’esh) suggests that the word could be used to speak of boiling or roasting.

[16:8]  23 tn The words “on that day” are not in the Hebrew text; they are supplied in the translation for clarification (cf. TEV, NLT).

[17:8]  24 tn Heb “between blood and blood.”

[17:8]  25 tn Heb “between claim and claim.”

[17:8]  26 tn Heb “between blow and blow.”

[17:8]  27 tn Heb “gates.”

[17:8]  28 tc Several Greek recensions add “to place his name there,” thus completing the usual formula to describe the central sanctuary (cf. Deut 12:5, 11, 14, 18; 16:6). However, the context suggests that the local Levitical towns, and not the central sanctuary, are in mind.

[18:6]  29 tn Heb “according to all the desire of his soul.”

[18:6]  30 tn Or “sojourning.” The verb used here refers to living temporarily in a place, not settling down.

[23:16]  31 tn Heb “gates.”

[26:2]  32 tn Heb “the Lord your God.” The pronoun has been used in the translation for stylistic reasons to avoid redundancy.

[26:2]  33 sn The place where he chooses to locate his name. This is a circumlocution for the central sanctuary, first the tabernacle and later the Jerusalem temple. See Deut 12:1-14 and especially the note on the word “you” in v. 14.

[31:11]  34 tn Heb “before all Israel.”

[18:1]  35 tn Heb “the tent of assembly.”

[18:1]  36 tn Heb “and the land was subdued before them.”

[18:1]  37 tn Heb “the tent of assembly.”

[18:1]  38 tn Heb “and the land was subdued before them.”

[8:13]  39 tn Some Hebrew mss read, “spent the night in.”

[8:29]  40 tn Heb “on a tree until evening.” The words “leaving him exposed” are supplied in the translation for clarity.

[8:29]  41 sn For the legal background of this action, see Deut 21:22-23.

[8:29]  42 tn Heb “to this day.”

[7:12]  43 tn Heb “where I caused my name to dwell.” The translation does not adequately represent the theology of the Lord’s deliberate identification with a place where he chose to manifest his presence and desired to be worshiped (cf. Exod 20:25; Deut 16:2, 6, 11).

[7:12]  44 sn The place in Shiloh…see what I did to it. This refers to the destruction of Shiloh by the Philistines circa 1050 b.c. (cf. Ps 78:60). The destruction of Shiloh is pertinent to the argument. The presence of the tabernacle and ark of the covenant did not prevent Shiloh from being destroyed when Israel sinned. The people of Israel used the ark as a magic charm but it did not prevent them from being defeated or the ark being captured (1 Sam 4:3, 11, 21-22).

[4:20]  45 sn This mountain refers to Mount Gerizim, where the Samaritan shrine was located.

[4:20]  46 tn The word “people” is not in the Greek text, but is supplied to indicate that the Greek verb translated “say” is second person plural and thus refers to more than Jesus alone.

[4:20]  47 map For location see Map5 B1; Map6 F3; Map7 E2; Map8 F2; Map10 B3; JP1 F4; JP2 F4; JP3 F4; JP4 F4.

[4:21]  48 sn Woman was a polite form of address (see BDAG 208-9 s.v. γυνή 1), similar to “Madam” or “Ma’am” used in English in different regions.

[4:21]  49 tn Grk “an hour.”

[4:21]  50 tn The verb is plural.

[4:22]  51 tn The word “people” is not in the Greek text, but is supplied to indicate that the Greek verb translated “worship” is second person plural and thus refers to more than the woman alone.

[4:22]  52 tn Or “from the Judeans.” See the note on “Jew” in v. 9.

[4:23]  53 tn Grk “an hour.”

[4:23]  54 tn “Here” is not in the Greek text but is supplied to conform to contemporary English idiom.

[4:23]  55 sn See also John 4:27.

[4:23]  56 tn Or “as.” The object-complement construction implies either “as” or “to be.”

[4:23]  57 tn This is a double accusative construction of object and complement with τοιούτους (toioutous) as the object and the participle προσκυνοῦντας (proskunounta") as the complement.

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