Exodus 4:2
- The Burning Bush and the Mission (Exodus 3:1--4:17;4:19;4:21-23;5:22--6:13)
Moses and the burning bush
Moses and the burning bush
Moses at the burning bush
Scenes from the life of Moses
Exodus 4:17
- The Burning Bush and the Mission (Exodus 3:1--4:17;4:19;4:21-23;5:22--6:13)
Moses and the burning bush
Moses and the burning bush
Moses at the burning bush
Scenes from the life of Moses
Jude 1:9-20
- Moses Dies (Deuteronomy 34:5-8; Jude 1:9)
Devil rebuked, The; The burial of Moses *
Death of Moses
Death of Moses, The
Death of Moses on Mount Nebo