Exodus 35:26
- Offerings for the Sanctuary (Exodus 25:1-9;35:4-29)
Moses collects the valuable offerings for the tabernacle
Offerings for the Sanctuary
Offering for the tabernacle
Free gifts for the tabernacle
Exodus 36:14-18
- The Tabernacle (Exodus 26;36:8-38;39:32--40:38)
Even artwork depicting various kinds of vessels for the tabernacle, not covered by other subjects in this system, sorts under the present heading
Making of the tabernacle, The
Moses dedicates the tabernacle
Moses puts the Tables of the Law in the Ark of the Covenant
For the cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernacle
Numbers 4:25
- The Numbering of the Israelites (Numbers 1--4)
Moses is ordered to number the people
Moses is ordered by God to number the people
God speaks to Moses in the Tabernacle
Moses numbers the people
Psalms 45:13
- Psalms 45: For the King's Wedding (Psalms 45)
Psalm 45
David foresees the mystic marriage of Christ and the church
King's daughter, The
My tongue is the pen of a scribe who writes swiftly
(5 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 45
Psalms 45:1
- Psalms 45: For the King's Wedding (Psalms 45)
Psalm 45
David foresees the mystic marriage of Christ and the church
King's daughter, The
My tongue is the pen of a scribe who writes swiftly
(5 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 45
Psalms 3:4
- Psalms 3: The Lord Sustains Me (Psalms 3)
Psalm 3
I have slept and am calmed and have risen up …