Genesis 22:1
- The Sacrifice of Isaac (Genesis 22:1-19)
Abraham sacrifices Isaac, an angel restrains his sword
Sacrifice of Abraham, The
Abraham and Isaac
(144 Pictures)
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
Genesis 22
Genesis 31:11
- Fleeing from Laban (Genesis 31)
Jacob and Laban make a covenant and erect a pile of stones
Jacob leaves for Canaan
Rachel hides her father´s household gods
Jacob flees from Haran
(22 Pictures)
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
Genesis 31
Exodus 3:4
- The Burning Bush and the Mission (Exodus 3:1--4:17;4:19;4:21-23;5:22--6:13)
Moses and the burning bush
Moses and the burning bush
Moses at the burning bush
Scenes from the life of Moses
Exodus 3:1
- The Burning Bush and the Mission (Exodus 3:1--4:17;4:19;4:21-23;5:22--6:13)
Moses and the burning bush
Moses and the burning bush
Moses at the burning bush
Scenes from the life of Moses
Exodus 3:4
- The Burning Bush and the Mission (Exodus 3:1--4:17;4:19;4:21-23;5:22--6:13)
Moses and the burning bush
Moses and the burning bush
Moses at the burning bush
Scenes from the life of Moses
Exodus 3:8-10
- The Burning Bush and the Mission (Exodus 3:1--4:17;4:19;4:21-23;5:22--6:13)
Moses and the burning bush
Moses and the burning bush
Moses at the burning bush
Scenes from the life of Moses
Exodus 3:2
- The Burning Bush and the Mission (Exodus 3:1--4:17;4:19;4:21-23;5:22--6:13)
Moses and the burning bush
Moses and the burning bush
Moses at the burning bush
Scenes from the life of Moses
Exodus 15:26
- The Waters of Marah and Elim (Exodus 15:22-27)
Miracle of the sweetening of the water of Marah, The
Water of Marah, The
Camp at Elim, The
Tree of Marah, The
Isaiah 6:8
- The Call of Isaiah (Isaiah 6)
Prophet Isaiah, The
Vision of Isaiah
Lord sitting upon his throne, The