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Genesis 26:5


Leviticus 8:35


Tent <0168> [the tabernacle.]

keep <08104> [keep.]

Leviticus 10:3


holy ............. honored <06942 03513> [I will be.]

presence <06440> [before.]

Aaron ................................ Aaron <0175> [Aaron.]

Leviticus 10:1


Nadab <05070> [Nadab.]

fire pan <04289> [censer.]

set incense <07004 07760> [put incense.]

strange <02114> [strange.]

commanded <06680> [which.]

Bp. Hall says, "It is a dangerous thing, in the service of God, to decline from his institutions; we have to do with a God, who is wise to prescribe his own worship--just to require what he has prescribed--and powerful to avenge what he has not prescribed."

Leviticus 2:3


remainder <03498> [the remnant.]

most holy <06944> [most holy.]

Leviticus 2:1


grain offering ...... offering <07133 04503> [meat offering.]

{Minchah,} from the Arabic {manacha,} to give, especially as a reciprocal gift, a gift, oblation, or eucharistical or gratitude offering, for the bounties of providence displayed in the fruits of the earth. It is termed a meat offering by our translators, because the term meat in their time was the general name for food.

choice wheat flour <05560> [fine flour.]

pour olive oil <08081 03332> [pour oil.]

frankincense <03828> [frankincense.]

Leviticus 23:32


Sabbath .............................. Sabbath <07676> [a sabbath.]

humble <06031> [afflict.]

Sabbath ............................ observe ... Sabbath <07676 07673> [celebrate your sabbath. Heb. rest.]

Ezekiel 44:8


kept ............. keep <08104> [ye have not.]

charge ............. charge <04931> [charge. or, ward, or ordinance, and so ver.]

Ezekiel 44:15-16


descendants ............. people <01121> [the sons.]

descendants ............. people <01121> [when.]

stand <05975> [they shall stand.]

fat <02459> [the fat.]

blood <01818> [the blood.]


enter <0935> [They shall enter.]

table <07979> [to my table.]

To place the shew-bread there. It is observable, that the table in the sanctuary is mentioned rather than the altar of incense; perhaps intimating the change in the external institutions of Divine worship which should take place before the accomplishment of the prophecy. It is not easy to determine, whether any external regulations, with respect to Divine ordinances, answerable to these predictions, will be made among the converted Jews, when reinstated in their own land, or not.

keep <08104> [keep.]

Ezekiel 48:11


priests ..... apart <03548 06942> [It shall be for the priests that are sanctified. or, The sanctified portion shall be for the priests. the sons]

charge <04931> [charge. or, ward, or ordinance.]

Levites <03881> [as the Levites.]

Ezekiel 48:1


names <08034> [the names.]

northern ....................... north <06828> [From.]

[a portion. Heb. one portion. Dan.]

Ezekiel 6:13-14


dead <02491> [when.]

high <07311> [upon.]


stretch out <05186> [will I.]

desolate waste .... wilderness <08077 04057 04923> [more desolate than the wilderness. or, desolate from the wilderness. Diblath.]



Diblath was a city of Moab and appears from parallel passages to have been situated between Dibon and Abarim or Nebo.

Ezekiel 6:2


turn <07760> [set.]

mountains <02022> [the mountains.]

Ezekiel 4:1-2


take <03947> [take.]

brick <03843> [a tile.]

[Lebˆbnƒh <\\See definition 03843\\>,] {levainah,} generally denotes a brick, and Palladius informs us that the bricks in common use among the ancients were "two feet long, one foot broad, and four inches thick;" and on such a surface the whole siege might be easily pourtrayed. Perhaps, however, it may here denote a flat tile, like a Roman brick, which were commonly used for tablets, as we learn from Pliny, Hist. Nat. 1. vii. c. 57.

Jerusalem <03389> [even.]


Lay ................ Post <05414> [lay.]

battering rams <03733> [battering rams. or, chief leaders.]

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