Isaiah 37:3
[his day.]
humiliation <05007> [blasphemy. or, provocation.]
baby <01121> [for the.]
Isaiah 37:2
Isaiah 19:3
panic <07307> [the spirit.]
This is a prophecy of what took place in Egypt about twenty-two years after the destruction of Sennacherib's army; when, upon the death of Tirhakah, (B.C. 688,) not being able to settle about the succession, they continued for two years in a state of anarchy, confusion, and civil wars; which was followed by the tyranny of twelve princes, who, dividing the country among them, governed it for fifteen years; and at last, by the sole dominion of Psammiticus, which he held for fifty-four years.
panic <01238> [fail. Heb. be emptied. and I.]
confuse <01104> [destroy. Heb. swallow up.]
seek guidance <01875> [and they.]
Hosea 13:13
pains <02256> [sorrows.]
wisdom <02450> [an.]
come out <05975> [for he.]
time <06256> [long. Heb. a time.]