Isaiah 44:20
- Going Home (2 Chronicles 36:22; Ezra 1--2; Isaiah 40--48)
- The Lord, Not Idols (Isaiah 44:6-23)
Cyrus proclaims the end of the Babylonian captivity and orders a temple to be built in Jerusalem
Cyrus releases the Jews
Cyrus restoring the vessels of the temple
Giving all things back
(24 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
2 Chronicles 36 ;
Ezra 1 ;
Ezra 2 ;
Isaiah 40 ;
Isaiah 41 ;
Isaiah 42 ;
Isaiah 43 ;
Isaiah 44 ;
Isaiah 45 ;
Isaiah 46 ;
Isaiah 47 ;
Isaiah 48
Bowing down to a block of wood
Idol he holds in his hand is not a god at all, The
Isaiah 55:2
- The Lord's Mercyful Invitation (Isaiah 55)
Omnes de Saba venient
Heaven and earth
In peace you shall be led
Ho, everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters
Lamentations 4:5
There is no Arts related to this verses.Hosea 12:1
- The Lord Will Punish Jacob (Hosea 11:12--12:14)
The altars there will become piles of stones
Romans 6:19-21
- Sin and Vanity (Genesis 6:5; Romans 5:12--8:11; Hebrews 10:1-18)
- Death (Romans 5:12--7:25; 1 Corinthians 15:21-56; 2 Corinthians 4:10-12)
- Justified by Faith, Not by the Law (Romans 1:16--8:39;3:21-31; Galatians 1--6)
Text list by no means exhaustive
Preacher as a king, with Vanity (?), and a dead boy
Garden of earthly delights
Haywain, The
Haywain, The
(23 Pictures)
Related Topics:
Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ ;
Everything Is Meaningless ;
The Law and the Sin
Related Names:
Antichrist ;
Related Chapter:
Genesis 6 ;
Romans 5 ;
Romans 6 ;
Romans 7 ;
Romans 8 ;
Hebrews 10
Text list by no means exhaustive
Knight approached by Death
Skull and bone
Skull and bone
Sundial with a skull in the middle
(97 Pictures)
Related Topics:
Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ ;
Sin and Vanity ;
The Law and the Sin ;
The Rich Farmer
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
Romans 5 ;
Romans 6 ;
Romans 7 ;
1 Corinthians 15 ;
2 Corinthians 4
Main theme of Galatians, and of Romans 1:16-8:39
Working your way to Heaven
Works without faith
(4 Pictures)
Related Topics:
The Law and the Sin
Related Chapter:
Romans 1 ;
Romans 2 ;
Romans 3 ;
Romans 4 ;
Romans 5 ;
Romans 6 ;
Romans 7 ;
Romans 8 ;
Galatians 1 ;
Galatians 2 ;
Galatians 3 ;
Galatians 4 ;
Galatians 5 ;
Galatians 6