Isaiah 45:22-25
- Going Home (2 Chronicles 36:22; Ezra 1--2; Isaiah 40--48)
- Every Knee Will Bow before the Lord (Isaiah 45:14-25)
Cyrus proclaims the end of the Babylonian captivity and orders a temple to be built in Jerusalem
Cyrus releases the Jews
Cyrus restoring the vessels of the temple
Giving all things back
(24 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
2 Chronicles 36 ;
Ezra 1 ;
Ezra 2 ;
Isaiah 40 ;
Isaiah 41 ;
Isaiah 42 ;
Isaiah 43 ;
Isaiah 44 ;
Isaiah 45 ;
Isaiah 46 ;
Isaiah 47 ;
Isaiah 48
False idols
Isaiah 53:2-3
- The Servant of the Lord (Isaiah 42:1-9;49:1-7;50:4-11;52:13--53:12)
Prophet Isaiah foretelling the crucifixion and the ascension, The *
Prophet Isaiah foretelling the crucifixion and the ascension, The *
For to us a child is born
Light to the nations, A
Isaiah 55:1-3
- The Lord's Mercyful Invitation (Isaiah 55)
Omnes de Saba venient
Heaven and earth
In peace you shall be led
Ho, everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters
John 6:37
- In Capernaum, the Bread of Life (John 6:25-65)
Bread of life promised, The
Christ giving the communion to the apostles
You are looking for me ... because you ate the loaves and had your fill
Peter confesses the Christ
John 7:37
- On the Last Day of the Feast (John 7:37-44)
- The Water of Life (John 4:10-15;7:37)
But no one laid a hand on him
Jews send servants to arrest Jesus, The
(2 Pictures)
Related Topics:
The Water of Life
Related Chapter:
John 7
Bridal Veil Falls, Yosemite
Cleansing stream, The
Living water *
Water of life I bring, The
(4 Pictures)
Related Topics:
The River of Life and the Tree of Life ;
The Woman from Samaria
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
John 4 ;
John 7
Revelation 22:17
- Come, Lord Jesus! (Revelation 22:7-21)
Veni, Domine Jesu
Let everyone who is thirsty come
Alpha and Omega, The
Invitation of the bride