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Isaiah 56:1-2

The Lord Invites Outsiders to Enter

56:1 This is what the Lord says,

“Promote 1  justice! Do what is right!

For I am ready to deliver you;

I am ready to vindicate you openly. 2 

56:2 The people who do this will be blessed, 3 

the people who commit themselves to obedience, 4 

who observe the Sabbath and do not defile it,

who refrain from doing anything that is wrong. 5 

Psalms 1:1-3


Book 1
(Psalms 1-41)

Psalm 1 6 

1:1 How blessed 7  is the one 8  who does not follow 9  the advice 10  of the wicked, 11 

or stand in the pathway 12  with sinners,

or sit in the assembly 13  of scoffers! 14 

1:2 Instead 15  he finds pleasure in obeying the Lord’s commands; 16 

he meditates on 17  his commands 18  day and night.

1:3 He is like 19  a tree planted by flowing streams; 20 

it 21  yields 22  its fruit at the proper time, 23 

and its leaves never fall off. 24 

He succeeds in everything he attempts. 25 

Psalms 15:1-2

Psalm 15 26 

A psalm of David.

15:1 Lord, who may be a guest in your home? 27 

Who may live on your holy hill? 28 

15:2 Whoever lives a blameless life, 29 

does what is right,

and speaks honestly. 30 

Psalms 24:4-5


24:4 The one whose deeds are blameless

and whose motives are pure, 31 

who does not lie, 32 

or make promises with no intention of keeping them. 33 

24:5 Such godly people are rewarded by the Lord, 34 

and vindicated by the God who delivers them. 35 

Psalms 26:1-2

Psalm 26 36 

By David.

26:1 Vindicate me, O Lord,

for I have integrity, 37 

and I trust in the Lord without wavering.

26:2 Examine me, O Lord, and test me!

Evaluate my inner thoughts and motives! 38 

Psalms 106:3


106:3 How blessed are those who promote justice,

and do what is right all the time!

Ezekiel 18:15-17

18:15 He does not eat pagan sacrifices on the mountains, does not pray to the idols of the house of Israel, does not defile his neighbor’s wife, 18:16 does not oppress anyone or keep what has been given in pledge, does not commit robbery, gives his food to the hungry, and clothes the naked, 18:17 refrains from wrongdoing, 39  does not engage in usury or charge interest, carries out my regulations and follows my statutes. He will not die for his father’s iniquity; 40  he will surely live.

Malachi 2:6

2:6 He taught what was true; 41  sinful words were not found on his lips. He walked with me in peace and integrity, and he turned many people away from sin.

Luke 1:6

1:6 They 42  were both righteous in the sight of God, following 43  all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blamelessly. 44 

Romans 2:7

2:7 eternal life to those who by perseverance in good works seek glory and honor and immortality,

Titus 2:11-12


2:11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all people. 45  2:12 It trains us 46  to reject godless ways 47  and worldly desires and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age,

Titus 2:1

Conduct Consistent with Sound Teaching

2:1 But as for you, communicate the behavior that goes with 48  sound teaching.

Titus 3:7

3:7 And so, 49  since we have been justified by his grace, we become heirs with the confident expectation of eternal life.” 50 

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[56:1]  1 tn Heb “guard”; KJV “Keep”; NAB “Observe”; NASB “Preserve”; NIV, NRSV “Maintain.”

[56:1]  2 tn Heb “for near is my deliverance to enter, and my vindication [or “righteousness”] to be revealed.”

[56:2]  3 tn Heb “blessed is the man who does this.”

[56:2]  4 tn Heb “the son of mankind who takes hold of it.”

[56:2]  5 tn Heb and who keeps his hand from doing any evil.”

[1:1]  6 sn Psalm 1. In this wisdom psalm the author advises his audience to reject the lifestyle of the wicked and to be loyal to God. The psalmist contrasts the destiny of the wicked with that of the righteous, emphasizing that the wicked are eventually destroyed while the godly prosper under the Lord’s protective care.

[1:1]  7 tn The Hebrew noun is an abstract plural. The word often refers metonymically to the happiness that God-given security and prosperity produce (see v. 3; Pss 2:12; 34:9; 41:1; 65:4; 84:12; 89:15; 106:3; 112:1; 127:5; 128:1; 144:15).

[1:1]  8 tn Heb “[Oh] the happiness [of] the man.” Hebrew wisdom literature often assumes and reflects the male-oriented perspective of ancient Israelite society. The principle of the psalm is certainly applicable to all people, regardless of their gender or age. To facilitate modern application, we translate the gender and age specific “man” with the more neutral “one.” (Generic “he” is employed in vv. 2-3). Since the godly man described in the psalm is representative of followers of God (note the plural form צַדִּיקִים [tsadiqim, “righteous, godly”] in vv. 5-6), one could translate the collective singular with the plural “those” both here and in vv. 2-3, where singular pronouns and verbal forms are utilized in the Hebrew text (cf. NRSV). However, here the singular form may emphasize that godly individuals are usually outnumbered by the wicked. Retaining the singular allows the translation to retain this emphasis.

[1:1]  9 tn Heb “walk in.” The three perfect verbal forms in v. 1 refer in this context to characteristic behavior. The sequence “walk–stand–sit” envisions a progression from relatively casual association with the wicked to complete identification with them.

[1:1]  10 tn The Hebrew noun translated “advice” most often refers to the “counsel” or “advice” one receives from others. To “walk in the advice of the wicked” means to allow their evil advice to impact and determine one’s behavior.

[1:1]  11 tn In the psalms the Hebrew term רְשָׁעִים (rÿshaim, “wicked”) describes people who are proud, practical atheists (Ps 10:2, 4, 11) who hate God’s commands, commit sinful deeds, speak lies and slander (Ps 50:16-20), and cheat others (Ps 37:21).

[1:1]  12 tn “Pathway” here refers to the lifestyle of sinners. To “stand in the pathway of/with sinners” means to closely associate with them in their sinful behavior.

[1:1]  13 tn Here the Hebrew term מוֹשַׁב (moshav), although often translated “seat” (cf. NEB, NIV), appears to refer to the whole assembly of evildoers. The word also carries the semantic nuance “assembly” in Ps 107:32, where it is in synonymous parallelism with קָהָל (qahal, “assembly”).

[1:1]  14 tn The Hebrew word refers to arrogant individuals (Prov 21:24) who love conflict (Prov 22:10) and vociferously reject wisdom and correction (Prov 1:22; 9:7-8; 13:1; 15:12). To “sit in the assembly” of such people means to completely identify with them in their proud, sinful plans and behavior.

[1:2]  15 tn Here the Hebrew expression כִּי־אִם (ki-im, “instead”) introduces a contrast between the sinful behavior depicted in v. 1 and the godly lifestyle described in v. 2.

[1:2]  16 tn Heb “his delight [is] in the law of the Lord.” In light of the following line, which focuses on studying the Lord’s law, one might translate, “he finds pleasure in studying the Lord’s commands.” However, even if one translates the line this way, it is important to recognize that mere study and intellectual awareness are not ultimately what bring divine favor. Study of the law is metonymic here for the correct attitudes and behavior that should result from an awareness of and commitment to God’s moral will; thus “obeying” has been used in the translation rather than “studying.”

[1:2]  17 tn The Hebrew imperfect verbal form draws attention to the characteristic behavior described here and lends support to the hyperbolic adverbial phrase “day and night.” The verb הָגָה (hagag) means “to recite quietly; to meditate” and refers metonymically to intense study and reflection.

[1:2]  18 tn Or “his law.”

[1:3]  19 tn The Hebrew perfect verbal form with vav (ו) consecutive here carries the same characteristic force as the imperfect in the preceding verse. According to the psalmist, the one who studies and obeys God’s commands typically prospers.

[1:3]  20 tn Heb “channels of water.”

[1:3]  21 tn Heb “which.”

[1:3]  22 tn The Hebrew imperfect verbal forms in v. 3 draw attention to the typical nature of the actions/states they describe.

[1:3]  23 tn Heb “in its season.”

[1:3]  24 tn Or “fade”; “wither.”

[1:3]  25 tn Heb “and all which he does prospers”; or “and all which he does he causes to prosper.” (The simile of the tree does not extend to this line.) It is not certain if the Hiphil verbal form (יַצְלִיחַ, yatsliakh) is intransitive-exhibitive (“prospers”) or causative (“causes to prosper”) here. If the verb is intransitive, then כֹּל (kol, “all, everything”) is the subject. If the verb is causative, then the godly individual or the Lord himself is the subject and כֹּל is the object. The wording is reminiscent of Josh 1:8, where the Lord tells Joshua: “This law scroll must not leave your lips! You must memorize it day and night so you can carefully obey all that is written in it. Then you will prosper (literally, “cause your way to prosper”) and be successful.”

[15:1]  26 sn Psalm 15. This psalm describes the character qualities that one must possess to be allowed access to the divine presence.

[15:1]  27 tn Heb “Who may live as a resident alien in your tent?”

[15:1]  28 sn In this context the Lord’s holy hill probably refers to Zion/Jerusalem. See Isa 66:20; Joel 2:1; 3:17; Zech 8:3; Pss 2:6; 43:3; 48:1; 87:1; Dan 9:16.

[15:2]  29 tn Heb “one who walks blamelessly.”

[15:2]  30 tn Heb “one who speaks truth in his heart”; or “one who speaks truth [that is] in his heart.” This apparently refers to formulating a truthful statement in one’s mind and then honestly revealing that statement in one’s speech.

[24:4]  31 tn Heb “the innocent of hands and the pure of heart.” The “hands” allude to one’s actions, the “heart” to one’s thought life and motives.

[24:4]  32 tn Heb “who does not lift up for emptiness my life.” The first person pronoun on נַפְשִׁי (nafshiy, “my life”) makes little sense here; many medieval Hebrew mss support the ancient versions in reading a third person pronoun “his.” The idiom “lift the life” here means to “long for” or “desire strongly.” In this context (note the reference to an oath in the following line) “emptiness” probably refers to speech (see Ps 12:2).

[24:4]  33 tn Heb “and does not swear an oath deceitfully.”

[24:5]  34 tn Heb “he (the righteous individual described in v. 4) lifts up a blessing from the Lord.” The singular subject is representative here, as v. 6 makes clear. The referent (godly people like the individual in v. 4) has been specified in the translation for clarity. The imperfect verbal form is generalizing; such people are typically rewarded for their deeds.

[24:5]  35 tn “and vindication from the God of his deliverance.”

[26:1]  36 sn Psalm 26. The author invites the Lord to test his integrity, asserts his innocence and declares his loyalty to God.

[26:1]  37 tn Heb “for I in my integrity walk.”

[26:2]  38 tn Heb “evaluate my kidneys and my heart.” The kidneys and heart were viewed as the seat of one’s volition, conscience, and moral character.

[18:17]  39 tc This translation follows the LXX. The MT reads “restrains his hand from the poor,” which makes no sense here.

[18:17]  40 tn Or “in his father’s punishment.” The phrase “in/for [a person’s] iniquity/punishment” occurs fourteen times in Ezekiel: here and in vv. 18, 19, 20; 3:18, 19; 4:17; 7:13, 16; 24:23; 33:6, 8, 9; 39:23. The Hebrew word for “iniquity” may also mean the “punishment for iniquity.”

[2:6]  41 tn Heb “True teaching was in his mouth”; cf. NASB, NRSV “True instruction (doctrine NAB) was in his mouth.”

[1:6]  42 tn Grk “And they.” Because of the difference between Greek style, which often begins sentences or clauses with “and,” and English style, which generally does not, καί (kai) has not been translated here.

[1:6]  43 tn Grk “walking in” (an idiom for one’s lifestyle).

[1:6]  44 tn The predicate adjective has the effect of an adverb here (BDF §243).

[2:11]  45 tn Grk “all men”; but ἀνθρώποις (anqrwpois) is generic here, referring to both men and women.

[2:12]  46 tn Grk “training us” (as a continuation of the previous clause). Because of the length and complexity of the Greek sentence, a new sentence was started at the beginning of v. 12 by translating the participle παιδεύουσα (paideuousa) as a finite verb and supplying the pronoun “it” as subject.

[2:12]  47 tn Grk “ungodliness.”

[2:1]  48 tn Grk “say what is fitting for sound teaching” (introducing the behavior called for in this chapter.).

[3:7]  49 tn This is the conclusion of a single, skillfully composed sentence in Greek encompassing Titus 3:4-7. Showing the goal of God’s merciful salvation, v. 7 begins literally, “in order that, being justified…we might become heirs…”

[3:7]  50 tn Grk “heirs according to the hope of eternal life.”

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