Jeremiah 7:8
- False Religion Worthless (Jeremiah 7:1--8:3)
Lost soul
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Related Chapter:
Jeremiah 7 ;
Jeremiah 8
Jeremiah 9:3-6
- Israel Has Rejected the Word of the Lord (Jeremiah 8:4--9:26)
Harvest is past, the summer is ended, The
I am sick at heart
Like a vine with no grapes, like a fig-tree with no figs
Ezekiel 13:8
- False Prophets Condemned (Ezekiel 13)
I will send a strong wind, pouring rain, and hailstones to destroy the wall
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Related Chapter:
Ezekiel 13
Hosea 7:3
There is no Arts related to this verses.Hosea 7:13
There is no Arts related to this verses.Micah 6:12
- Israel's Guilt and Punishment (Micah 6:9-16)
Thou shalt sow, but thou shalt not reap
How can I forgive men who use false scales and weights?
Micah 6:1
There is no Arts related to this verses.Micah 4:2
- The Kingdom of Peace (Micah 4:1-5)
Beginning of eternal peace, The
Micah with a sword
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Related Chapter:
Micah 4