O Lord, to Whom the spirits live Of all the faithful passed away, Unto their path that brightness give Which shineth to the perfect day. Refrain O Lamb of God, Redeemer blest, Grant them eternal light and rest. Bless Thou the dead which die in Thee; As Thou hast given them release; So quicken them Thy face to see, And give them everlasting peace. Refrain In Thy green, pleasant pastures feed The sheep which Thou hast summoned hence; And by the still, cool waters lead Thy flock in loving providence. Refrain How long, O Holy Lord, how long Must we and they expectant wait To hear the gladsome bridal song, To see Thee in Thy royal state? Refrain O hearken, Savior, to their cry, O rend the heavens and come down, Make up the jewels speedily, And set them in Thy golden crown. Refrain Direct us with Thine arm of might, And bring us, perfected with them, To dwell within Thy city bright, The heavenly Jerusalem. Refrain |