Leviticus 13:3
- Skin Diseases (Leviticus 13:1-46;14:1-32; Deuteronomy 24:8)
Priest examining for leprosy
Priest shall examine him, The
Matthew 12:45
- Jesus and Beelzebub, Those Demanding Signs (Matthew 12:24-32;12:38-45;16:1-4; Mark 3:20-30;8:11; Luke 11:15-26;11:29-32;12:54-56)
Pharisees and the Saducees come to test Jeus, The
Blind and mute demoniac is healed, A
Jews ask for a sign from Jesus, The
(3 Pictures)
Related Topics:
The Descent into Hades ;
The Queen of Sheba
Related Names:
Sheba ;
Hades ;
Beelzebub ;
Related Chapter:
Matthew 12 ;
Matthew 16 ;
Mark 3 ;
Mark 8 ;
Luke 11 ;
Luke 12
John 5:14
- At Bethesda (John 5:1-15)
Christ orders a paralytic man to rise and take up his pallet. The man walks away.
Healing the invalid at the pool
Christ and the paralytic
Pool of Bethesda, The
John 5:2
- At Bethesda (John 5:1-15)
Christ orders a paralytic man to rise and take up his pallet. The man walks away.
Healing the invalid at the pool
Christ and the paralytic
Pool of Bethesda, The
John 2:20
- The Question about Authority (John 2:18-21)
Jesus tells the Jews that he can raise the temple in three days
(1 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
John 2