Psalms 1:6
- Psalms 1: The Two Ways (Psalms 1)
Psalm 1
Psalm 1
Beati pauperes... Beati mites ... Beati
(8 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 1
Psalms 5:5
- Psalms 5: Morning Prayer (Psalms 5)
Psalm 5
Psalm 5
David beseeches God against evildoers
I will enter your house, I will worship at your holy temple
(5 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 5
Habakkuk 1:13
- Habakkuk (Habakkuk 1--3)
Habakkuk preaching
I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower
Habbakuk's cry for mercy
Prophet Habakkuk bewails violence and injustice, The
Luke 13:26-30
- A Tree and Its Fruit (Matthew 7:15-23;12:33-37; Luke 6:43-45;13:26)
Jesus heals the crippled woman. The parable of the barren fig-tree.
Every good tree bears good fruit
Tree and fruit
Warning against false prophets
(6 Pictures)
Related Topics:
The Sermon on the Mount
Related Chapter:
Matthew 7 ;
Matthew 12 ;
Luke 6 ;
Luke 13
John 9:31
- The Epilogue (John 9:8-41)
Blind tells his story to the Jews, The
Man born blind is healed, The
People are surprised the blind man can now see
Blind man tells how he was healed, The
(6 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
John 9
John 10:27
- In Solomon's Colonnade (John 10:23-39)
Jesus in Solomon's Colonnade
Christ refuses the kingship
Evil Jews approach in order to question Jesus, The
Father and I are one, The
John 10:1
- About the Shepherd and His Flock (John 10:1-21)
Good shepherd, the sheepgate, gatekeeper, sheep, The
Good shepherd, The
Good shepherd, The
Good shepherd, The
(6 Pictures)
Related Topics:
The Good Shepherd
Related Chapter:
John 10
Colossians 1:3
- Thanksgiving and Prayer (Colossians 1:3-14)
He rescued us from the power of darkness *
(1 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Colossians 1
Galatians 4:9
- Justified by Faith, Not by the Law (Romans 1:16--8:39;3:21-31; Galatians 1--6)
Main theme of Galatians, and of Romans 1:16-8:39
Working your way to Heaven
Works without faith
(4 Pictures)
Related Topics:
The Law and the Sin
Related Chapter:
Romans 1 ;
Romans 2 ;
Romans 3 ;
Romans 4 ;
Romans 5 ;
Romans 6 ;
Romans 7 ;
Romans 8 ;
Galatians 1 ;
Galatians 2 ;
Galatians 3 ;
Galatians 4 ;
Galatians 5 ;
Galatians 6
Galatians 4:2
- Sons of God (Galatians 3:26--4:7)
- Justified by Faith, Not by the Law (Romans 1:16--8:39;3:21-31; Galatians 1--6)
You're special
You are all one in union with Christ Jesus
You are all one in union with Christ Jesus
You are no longer a slave
Main theme of Galatians, and of Romans 1:16-8:39
Working your way to Heaven
Works without faith
(4 Pictures)
Related Topics:
The Law and the Sin
Related Chapter:
Romans 1 ;
Romans 2 ;
Romans 3 ;
Romans 4 ;
Romans 5 ;
Romans 6 ;
Romans 7 ;
Romans 8 ;
Galatians 1 ;
Galatians 2 ;
Galatians 3 ;
Galatians 4 ;
Galatians 5 ;
Galatians 6
Galatians 2:19
- Justified by Faith, Not by the Law (Romans 1:16--8:39;3:21-31; Galatians 1--6)
Main theme of Galatians, and of Romans 1:16-8:39
Working your way to Heaven
Works without faith
(4 Pictures)
Related Topics:
The Law and the Sin
Related Chapter:
Romans 1 ;
Romans 2 ;
Romans 3 ;
Romans 4 ;
Romans 5 ;
Romans 6 ;
Romans 7 ;
Romans 8 ;
Galatians 1 ;
Galatians 2 ;
Galatians 3 ;
Galatians 4 ;
Galatians 5 ;
Galatians 6