[5:12] 2 tn Or “bless.” The imperfect verbal forms here and in the next line highlight how God characteristically rewards and protects the godly.
[5:12] 3 tn Or “innocent.” The singular form is used here in a collective or representative sense.
[5:12] 4 tn Heb “surround.” In 1 Sam 23:26 the verb describes how Saul and his men hemmed David in as they chased him.
[5:12] 5 tn Heb “him.” The singular form is used here in a collective or representative sense and is thus translated “them.”
[5:12] 6 tn Or “with favor” (cf. NRSV). There is no preposition before the noun in the Hebrew text, nor is there a pronoun attached. “Favor” here stands by metonymy for God’s defensive actions on behalf of the one whom he finds acceptable.