Revelation 11:1-2
- The Two Witnesses (Revelation 11:1-14)
Evangelist St. John measures the temple, The
Two witnesses, The
Two witnesses, The
Two witnesses and dragon
(45 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Revelation 11
Exodus 40:3-5
- The Tabernacle (Exodus 26;36:8-38;39:32--40:38)
Even artwork depicting various kinds of vessels for the tabernacle, not covered by other subjects in this system, sorts under the present heading
Making of the tabernacle, The
Moses dedicates the tabernacle
Moses puts the Tables of the Law in the Ark of the Covenant
For the cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernacle
Ezekiel 41:1-5
- The New Sanctuary (Ezekiel 40--42)
Man with the cord and the rod, The
Prophet Ezekiel's vision of the new temple, The
Man appeared, A
Diagram of the temple atrium
Zechariah 2:1
- The Angel Speaking to Zechariah (Zechariah 1:7--6:15)
- The Man with the Measuring Line (Zechariah 2)
Prophet Zechariah and an angel explaining the visions, The
(1 Pictures)
Related Names:
Angel ;
Related Chapter:
Zechariah 1 ;
Zechariah 2 ;
Zechariah 3 ;
Zechariah 4 ;
Zechariah 5 ;
Zechariah 6
Man with the measuring line, The
Wall of fire and glory within
(2 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Zechariah 2