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Zechariah 11:6-9


compassion <02550> [I will no.]

last ................... deliver <04672 05337> [deliver. Heb. make to be found.]

over ...... his <03027> [into the.]

devastate <03807> [they shall.]

over ...... his <03027> [and out.]


shepherd ............................ tended <07462> [I will.]

[even you, O poor. or, verily the poor.]

staffs <04731> [staves.]

one ..... other <0259> [one.]

<02254> [Bands. or, Binders.]


one <0259> [in.]

<05315> [and my.]

ran out ... patience <07114 05315> [lothed them. Heb. was straitened for them.]


shepherd <07462> [I will.]

die .... die <04191> [that that dieth.]

survive <07604> [and let.]

other's <07468> [another. Heb. his fellow, or, neighbour.]

Deuteronomy 28:49-68


raise up .... nation ................. nation <01471 05375> [bring a nation.]

Though the Chaldeans are frequently described under the figure of an eagle, yet these verses especially predict the desolations brought on the Jews by the Romans; who came from a country far more distant than Chaldea; whose conquests were as rapid as the eagle's flight, and whose standard bore this very figure; who spake a language to which the Jews were then entire strangers, being wholly unlike the Hebrew, of which the Chaldee was merely a dialect; whose appearance and victories were terrible; and whose yoke was a yoke of iron; and the havoc which they made tremendous.

eagle <05404> [as the eagle.]

nation ................. nation ... language <01471 03956> [a nation whose.]

understand <08085> [understand. Heb. hear.]


stern ....... regard <05794 06440> [of fierce countenance. Heb. strong of face.]

<05375> [shall not.]


offspring ....... produce <06529> [the fruit.]

leave <07604> [which also.]



offspring <06529> [the fruit.]

offspring <0990> [body. Heb. belly.]


<05869> [his eye.]

wife .... remaining <0802 03499> [and toward.]

The Roman armies at length besieged, sacked, and utterly desolated Jerusalem: and during this seige, the famine was so extreme, that even rich and delicate persons, both men and women, ate their own children, and concealed the horrible repast, lest others should tear it from them! "Women snatched the food out of the very mouths of their husbands, and sons of their fathers, and (what is most miserable) mothers of their infants." "In every house, if there appeared any semblance of food, a battle ensued, and the dearest friends and relations fought with one another; snatching away the miserable provisions of life." "A woman distinguished by birth and wealth, after she had been plundered by the tyrants (or soldiers) of all her possessions, boiling her own sucking child, ate half of him, and concealing the other half, reserved it for another time!"

children <01121> [his children.]


[in the seige.]


delicate <06028> [and delicate.]

<05869 03415> [her eye shall be evil.]


afterbirth <07988> [young one. Heb. after-birth. cometh out.]

eat <0398> [for she shall.]


obey <08104> [If thou wilt.]

fear ... glorious ... awesome <03513 03372> [fear this glorious.]




mentioned .......... perished <05927 08045> [bring upon thee. Heb. cause to ascend.]


few <04592 04962> [few in number.]

In the seige of Jerusalem there died 1,100,000 persons, and more than 90,000 were carried captive; and, having afterwards provoked the Romans by their crimes and rebellions, they persecuted them nearly to extirpation; to which, if the tens of thousands which were slaughtered year after year in every country be added, it appears wonderful that there were any remains left.

stars <03556> [as the stars.]


delighted .... good ........... delight <07797 03190> [rejoiced over.]

delighted .............. delight ... destroying <07797 06> [rejoice over.]

uprooted .... land <05255 0127> [plucked from.]


scatter <06327> [scatter.]

worship <05647> [there thou shalt.]


those <01992> [among.]

After the conquest of their country by the Romans, Hadrian, by a public decree, ratified by the senate, forbad any Jew to come even within sight of Judea; and hence they were dispersed over every quarter of the globe, where they found no alleviation or respite from misery. In no country are they treated as denizens; all suspect them as enemies, and behave to them as aliens; if they do not, as had been too frequently the case, harass, oppress, and persecute them, even unto death.

rest <07280> [shalt thou.]

Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

failing eyesight <05869 03631> [failing of eyes.]




return ... Egypt <04714 07725> [bring thee into Egypt.]

This verse seems especially to point out an event, which took place subsequently to the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus, and the desolation made by Hadrian. Numbers of the captives were sent by sea into Egypt (as well as into other countries), and sold for slaves at a vile price, and for the meanest offices; and many thousands were left to perish from want; for the multitude was so great, that purchasers could not be found for them all at any price!

sell <04376> [there ye shall.]

Isaiah 65:12-15


predestine <04487> [will I.]

called <07121> [because.]

did evil <07451 06213> [did evil.]

chose <0977> [and did.]


servants ... eat ......... servants ........... servants <0398 05650> [my servants shall eat.]

servants ........... servants ........... servants ... rejoice <08055 05650> [my servants shall rejoice.]


servants <05650> [my servants.]

cry out <06817> [ye shall.]

crushed <07667> [vexation. Heb. breaking.]


live on <03240> [ye shall.]

chosen ones <0972> [my chosen.]

sovereign <0136> [the Lord.]

servants <05650> [his servants.]

Isaiah 66:4-6


choose .................................. chose <0977> [will choose.]

severe punishment <08586> [delusions. or, devices. will bring.]

called <07121> [when I called.]

listen ... did <08085 06213> [they did.]


respect <02730> [ye that.]

countrymen .......................... joy <0251 08057> [Your.]

Lord ............................ Lord <03068> [Let.]

witness <07200> [but.]


sound ......... sound ......... sound .... Lord <06963 03068> [a voice of the Lord.]

Isaiah 66:24


observe <07200> [and look.]

maggots <08438> [their worm.]

fire <0784> [their fire.]

out ..................................... abhorrent <03318 01860> [and they.]

CONCLUDING REMARKS ON THE BOOK OF ISAIAH. Isaiah has, with singular propriety, been denominated the Evangelical Prophet, on account of the number and variety of his prophecies concerning the advent and character, the ministry and preaching, the sufferings and death, and the extensive and permanent kingdom of the Messiah. So explicit and determinate are his predictions, as well as so numerous, that he seems to speak rather of things past than of events yet future; and he may be rather called an evangelist than a prophet. Though later critics, especially those on the continent, have expended much labour and learning in order to rob the prophet of his title; yet no one, whose mind is unprejudiced, can be at a loss in applying select portions of these prophecies to the mission and character of Jesus Christ, and to the events in his history which they are cited to illustrate by the sacred writers of the New Testament. In fact, his prophecies concerning the Messiah seem almost to anticipate the Gospel history; so clearly do they predict his Divine character. (Compare ch. 7:14 with Mat. 1:18-23, and Luke 1:27-35; ch. 6:; 9:6; 35:4; 40:5, 9, 19; 42: 6-8; 61:1, with Lu. 4:18; ch. 62:11; 63:1-4;) his miracles, (ch. 35:5, 6;) his peculiar character and virtues, (ch. 11:2, 3; 40:11; 43:1-3;) his rejection, (Compare ch. 6:9-12 with Mar. 13:14; ch. 7:14, 15; 53:3;) his sufferings for our sins, (ch. 50:6; 53:4-11;) his death and burial, (ch. 53:8, 9;) his victory over death, (ch. 25:8; 53:10, 12;) his final glory, (ch. 49:7, 22, 33; 52:13-15; 53:4, 5;) and the establishment, increase, and perfection of his kingdom, (ch. 2:2-4; 9:2, 7; 11:4-10; 16:5; 29:18-24; 32:1; 40:4, 5; 42:4; 46:13; 49:9-13; 51:3-6; 53:6-10; 55:1-3; 59:16-21; 60:; 61:1-5; 65:25;) each specifically pointed out, and pourtrayed with the most striking and discriminating characters. It is impossible, indeed, to reflect on these, and on the whole chain of his illustrious prophecies, and not be sensible that they furnish the most incontestable evidence in support of Christianity. The style of Isaiah has been universally admired as the most perfect model of elegance and sublimity; and as distinguished for all the magnificence, and for all the sweetness of the Hebrew language.

Ezekiel 5:2-4


Burn <01197> [shalt burn.]

city <05892> [the city.]

unleash <07324> [I will draw.]


few <04592> [a few.]

ends of your garment <03671> [skirts. Heb. wings.]


take <03947> [take.]

fire ......... fire <0784> [shall a fire.]

Ezekiel 5:12


third ...... die ............. third .............. third <07992 04191> [third part of.]

scatter <02219> [and I will scatter.]

unleash <07324> [and I will draw.]

This was particularly fulfilled in the destruction of those who retired to Egypt; and has been remarkably verified in the many persecutions and miseries which the Jews have suffered at different times, in the various countries into which they are dispersed.

Daniel 9:27


confirm <01396> [confirm.]

covenant <01285> [the covenant. or, a covenant. cause.]

wing ... abominations ...... destroys ............. destroys <08251 08074 03671> [for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate. or, upon the battlements shall be the idols of the desolator.]

decreed <02782> [that determined.]

destroys ............. destroys <08074> [upon the desolate. or, upon the desolator.]

Malachi 3:1-2


send <07971> [I will.]

clear <06437> [and he.]

clear <06437 0113> [and.]

messenger ....................... messenger <04397> [even.]

come ................. coming <0935> [he shall come.]


endure <03557> [who may abide.]

like ... launderer's <06884> [for.]

[like fullers'.]

Malachi 3:5


come <07126> [I will come.]

quick <04116> [a swift.]

practice divination <03784> [the sorcerers.]

exploit <06231> [against those.]

exploit <06231> [oppress. or, defraud.]

fear <03372> [fear.]

Malachi 4:1-3


day .................. day <03117> [the day.]

burning ................. burn ... up <01197 03857> [shall burn.]

arrogant <02086> [and all the.]

leave <05800> [that it.]


respect <03373> [that fear.]

sun <08121> [the Sun.]

healing <04832> [healing.]

wings <03671> [wings.]

released <03318> [ye shall.]


trample <06072> [tread down.]

Matthew 3:10-12


now <2235> [now.]

ax <513> [the axe.]

<3767> [therefore.]

will be cut down <1581> [is hewn.]


baptize ........................... He will baptize <907> [baptize.]

but <1161> [but.]

<3739> [whose.]

baptize ......................... his ... He will baptize <846 907> [he shall.]


winnowing fork <4425> [fan.]

he will clean out his <1245> [he will throughly.]

and ......... and will gather <2532 4863> [and gather.]

but <1161> [but.]

inextinguishable <762> [with.]

Matthew 21:43-44


kingdom <932> [The kingdom.]

to a people <1484> [a nation.]


falls ................ falls <4098> [whosoever.]

<1161> [but.]

Matthew 22:7


was furious <3710> [he was.]

his ............ their <846> [his.]

Matthew 23:35-37


on .......... on <1909> [upon.]

righteous blood ....... blood ... righteous ..... blood <129 1342> [the blood of righteous.]

<2193> [unto.]



Jerusalem Jerusalem <2419> [Jerusalem.]

kill <615> [thou.]

How often <4212> [how.]

as <5158> [even.]

and ........... I have longed ................ but you would <2532 2309> [and ye.]

Matthew 24:21


Luke 19:41-44


he wept <2799> [and wept.]


<3754> [If.]

on <1722 5026> [in this.]

<3588> [the things.]

But <1161> [but.]


days <2250> [the days.]

will build <4016> [cast.]

Or, "cast a bank" or rampart [charax <\\See definition 5482\\>.] This was literally fulfilled when Jerusalem was besieged by Titus; who surrounded it with a wall of circumvallation in three days, though not less than 39 furlongs in circumference; and when this was effected, the Jews were so enclosed on every side, that no person could escape from the city, and no provision could be brought in.


They will demolish <1474> [lay.]

your children .......................... your <4675 5043> [thy children.]

they will ... leave <863> [leave.]

because <473> [because.]

Luke 20:16-18


destroy <622> [destroy.]

give <1325> [shall give.]


looked straight <1689> [beheld.]

what <5101> [What.]

stone <3037> [The stone.]


falls ............... it falls <4098> [shall fall.]

This is an allusion to the Jewish mode of stoning. "The place of stoning was twice as high as a man. From the top of this one of the witnesses struck the culprit on the loins, and felled him to the ground: if he died of this, well; if not, the other witness threw a stone upon his heart," etc. Our Lord seems to refer not only to the dreadful crushing of the Jews by the Romans, but also to their general dispersion to the present day.

Luke 21:20-24



must flee <5343> [flee.]

Accordingly, when Cestius Gallus came against Jerusalem, and unexpectedly raised the siege, Josephus states, that many of the noble Jews departed out of the city, as out of a sinking ship; and when Vespasian afterwards drew towards it, a great multitude fled to the mountains. And we learn from Eusebius, and Epiphanius, that at this juncture, all who believed in Christ left Jerusalem, and removed to Pella, and other places beyond Jordan; and so escaped the general shipwreck of their country, that we do not read of one who perished in Jerusalem.

must flee ........... must depart ......... must ... enter <5343 2532 1633 1525> [and let them.]


days <2250> [the days.]

all that <3956> [all.]


Woe <3759> [woe.]

great <3173> [great.]


be led away as captives <163> [led.]

Jerusalem <2419> [Jerusalem.]

until <891> [until.]

Luke 23:28-30


Daughters <2364> [daughters.]


days <2250> [the days.]

Our Lord here refers to the destruction of Jerusalem, and the final desolation of the Jewish state; an evil associated with so many miseries, that sterility, which had otherwise been considered an opprobrium, was accounted a circumstance most felicitous. No history can furnish us with a parallel to the calamities and miseries of the Jews; rapine and murder, famine and pestilence, within; fire and sword, and all the terrors of war, without. Our Saviour himself wept at the foresight of these calamities; and it is almost impossible for persons of any humanity to read the relation of them in Josephus without weeping also. He might justly affirm, "if the misfortunes of all, from the beginning of the world, were compared with those of the Jews, they would appear much inferior in the comparison."

Blessed <3107> [Blessed.]


Luke 23:1


Luke 2:15-16


to <1519> [into.]

<444> [shepherds. Gr. men the shepherds. Let.]


hurried off <4692> [with.]

located <429> [found.]

Revelation 8:7-12


hail <5464> [hail.]

it was thrown <906> [cast.]

a third ........ a third <5154> [the third.]


Then ........ and something like <2532 5613> [and as.]

of burning <2545> [burning.]

A third <5154> [the third.]


a third .... creatures ........ a third <5154 2938> [the third part of the creatures.]

ships <4143> [the ships.]


a huge <3173> [a great.]

springs <4077> [the fountains.]


Wormwood ......... wormwood <894> [Wormwood.]

many <4183> [many.]


Then ........ and ... third .... sun .... and a third ..... and a third ....... a third ...... And ............... third <2532 5154 2246> [and the third part of the sun.]

Then ........ and ......... and ....... and ............... And ........... day <2532 2250> [and the day.]

Revelation 16:19


great .................. great <3173> [the great.]

great .................. great <3173> [great.]

was remembered <3415> [in.]

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